34. Jasmine Comes to Visit

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Diamond's POV: I started to find a little happiness in Rio. I loved working at the department store, Maria and I were so close. She is a angel from heaven. Roman and I are happier than ever. Romeo is now 3 and Juliette just turned 1. They keep us on our toes. Romeo is learning how to talk. It is so cute. Juliette is walking now. She gets into everything. I am now 4 1/2 months pregnant, I'm still waiting to find out what we are having.

Roman works hard, but he kept his promise. He doesn't come home that late anymore, and he makes sure that I don't feel alone. He's really trying and I love him for that. He cuddles with me, rubs my feet, cooks us dinner, plays with the kids, he's really trying.

Me and the kids goes to church with Maria and her kids, I wish Roman would come but that's something that he has to do on his own. It was my first time going to a catholic church but I loved the services. Everyone was really nice and sweet. They even have a service for the kids, they teach them the bible and little gospel songs. Romeo sings them at home, Juliette tries to join him it is so cute. I wanted my children to know about God and I wanted them to learn how to pray.

One day I was at work, hanging up some merchandise when all of a sudden I heard this familiar voice.

Jasmine: you haven't been gone a full year yet and you already don't recognize me.

I turned around quickly, and there was Jasmine. I broke down crying and ran to her. We both hugged each other and cried hard. Maria smiled.

Me: oh my goodness, Jasmine!! I sobbed.

Jasmine: in the flesh!!

We laughed. I wiped my face.

Me: how did you know where I was? How did you get here?

Jasmine: Roman called me and told me you were feeling a little down and he asked me could I come visit, so he flew me out here, and had his driver bring me here.

I cried.

Me: I'm sorry, I'm emotional it's the baby.

Jasmine: yeah, I can see that. She touched my stomach.

I laughed.

Me: where's Amir?

Jasmine: he's at the house with the kids and Roman. I hope it's okay?

Me: yes! Of course! I can't wait to see him.

Maria: sorry to interrupt, go home Diamond enjoy your friend, I'll cover for you.

Me: are you sure?

Maria: absolutely!!

I hugged her.

Me: thanks Maria! When you get off please come over for dinner.

Maria: sure thing.

Me: where are my manners, Maria this is my best friend from America Jasmine. Jasmine this is my best friend from Brazil Maria.

They both said hello and hugged each other. Me and Jasmine left to go to my house. We arrived. We decided to sit by the lake.

Jasmine: omg girl it's so beautiful here. Roman definitely has good taste. She looked at me. She grabbed my hands.

Jasmine: so how are you? Talk too me Diamond what's wrong?

I sighed.

Me: it's that obvious?

Jasmine: girl I've known you since we were 8 I know when somethings bothering you. I'm all ears.

Me: Jasmine, I'm so sad. I try to be happy, but I really miss being in California, I miss my mom, I miss you, I miss my job, I miss everything. It's so different here, Maria is so sweet she helps me. She got me the job at the department store with her, we babysit each others kids when needed, she takes us to church with her, she's really sweet. Roman tries really hard to make me happy here it's just not happening. I feel so guilty. I have a good husband, wonderful kids, one on the way, I love my job, I don't know what's wrong with me.

She smiled.

Jasmine: Diamond I love you, so I'm going to be honest with you. You're not happy because you made this move for Roman. It wasn't for you. I love Roman but this was his idea. That's why you're not happy. You have to start doing things for Diamond and those babies. I'm not telling you to leave Roman, he's a good man. I'm just saying start doing things for you.

It hard me so hard, Jasmine was right.

Me: you're right. But that's not all, Jasmine he's doing the same things he was doing back home but these people that he hangs around, the look dangerous, scary. I'm so worried about him. I broke down

She hugged me.

Jasmine: Diamond, Roman never lied about who he was or what he does. Did you really think he was going to stop just because you guys came out here? This is Brazil, they have heavy drug activity here but you accepted it when you got on that plane with him, you accepted it when you married him back in California. Diamond, all I'm saying is you know what comes with the territory of being with Roman. You have his babies, he loves you. Don't worry too much unless there's danger, then worry, hell get out. Don't stress yourself out though. You're pregnant.

Me: omg you're right. You're so right!!

Jasmine: it's going to be okay. If it becomes too much for you then you come back home Diamond but if you love your husband then you work it out. Pray about it.

Me: You're right. Thanks jasmine.

We hugged.

Jasmine: now lets go see these babies.

We laughed. We went inside the house with Roman and the kids. Maria and her kids came over for dinner. We had a really good time. Jasmine stayed for a few days. Me, her and Maria hung out the entire time. Jasmine had to leave. I hated to see her go but I knew she had a life of her own.

Jasmine: remember what I told you Diamond and if you need me call me, no matter what. I'll jump on that plane in a heartbeat. I love you.

I cried so hard. She did too.

Me: I love you too.

We hugged, her and Amir got on the plane and left. I stood there crying for a few minutes. I was really going to miss her.

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