22. Roman faces Julio!!

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Roman's POV: I can't believe this son of a bitch had the audacity to come here! Not just that, he spoke to my wife. I wanted to bash his fuckin head in. I had security clear out the building because I knew this shit was about to get ugly. I was ready to face him. I thought about Diamond, & my kids. I have to protect them.

I was sitting at the table in the banquet hall. I had my gun and my security team was on standby. Tonight is the night that I take this asshole down!! I sat & waited, I knew he was around. I could feel it. Just then he walked up too me. He laughed.

Julio: Roman Peters, I've been looking for you my guy how's life? He laughed, sat down Infront of me, & placed his gun on the table.

I frowned at him.

Me: let's cut the small talk! You & I both know that you didn't come here to swap spit with me!!

Julio: where is my money holmes?

I laughed.

Roman: I'm not giving you shit!! You want your money you're going to have to kill me essay.

Julio: oh, I gotta compliment you!! You have a beautiful wife!! I didn't know you had a thang for the sista's though if you know what I mean. He laughed

I cocked my gun back & pointed in his face.

Me: don't you ever speak on my wife again!!

He laughed.

Julio: it would be a shame if something happened to her though, I hear she's knocked up again. Oh and let's no forget your son.

I tried to shoot him but he knocked the gun out of my hand, just like that we were on the ground tussling. Then his crew ran in on my security team, and there was heavy gunfire. He disappeared into thin air. I grabbed my gun, while dodging the bullets. I ran after him. Just then I heard someone shooting at me, It was Julio, I ducked then shot back.

"Give it up Romey Rome" he yelled. I continued to shoot.

"I'm going to kill you Martinez"!! I yelled.

He ran outside, he was looking around. He had no idea I was behind him, he turned around. I had the gun pointed to his head. He laughed.

Julio: you ain't gonna shoot me man, you ain't got the balls man, you're just like your father!! He didn't pull the trigger either. He laughed

I grew angrier!!

Me: that's the difference between me & him, he couldn't but I can.

I shot him in the head twice.

"Don't you ever fuck with Roman Peters again asshole"!!

My head security guy, Tyrone came and found me.

Tyrone: boss you okay? Are you hit?

Me: I'm good. Where is his crew?

Tyrone: they left. They were out numbered.

Me: good. Get rid of this body for me, get rid of the evidence, make sure that this doesn't lead back to me whatsoever, and make sure Diamond never finds out about this. I gotta get to her.

Tyrone: 10-4 boss!!

Diamond's POV: I sat in the hotel room crying & throwing up for the past hour. I was so worried about Roman. I wanted to go find him but the security here was heavily enforced. There was no way I could sneak out. I paced back & forth, my dress was dragging the floor, my mascara running down my face. Just then I heard someone at the door, I grabbed my gun and aimed it towards the door. It was Roman.

Roman: relax babe it's me.

I put the gun down, let out a sigh, and ran over to him. He kissed me.

Me: omg Roman, I thought you were in jail or dead. I cried

Roman: no babe, I took care of the problem.

I looked at him. I got so scared and felt sick to my stomach.

Me: omg Roman!! Did you kill him?

Roman: no baby, I scared him really bad, he left town. He won't be bothering us again.

Me: how do you know that Roman?

Roman: trust me baby, I know. I've got eyes on him. He's never coming back.

Me: omg baby! I'm glad you're okay!!

Roman: I'm all good my love. Please take off your dress.

I looked at him.

Me: huh?

Roman: take off your dress. He gave me a seductive look.

Me: but Roman... He placed his fingers on my lips.

Roman: shh, baby I don't wanna talk about it. I wanna make love to my beautiful wife. Take off the dress now please!!

I took off my dress. He looked at me with the most seductive look ever. He licked his lips, picked me up, took me to bedroom and we made love over and over again. Something was different about him, it's like he was trying to forget about something. He also looked relieved yet troubled at the same time.

I was so happy that Roman got rid of that coward Julio. I'm glad Roman made him leave town. Now hopefully we could have some peace but little did I know that the  trouble was just beginning!!

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