30. The Biggest Decision of My Life

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Diamond's POV: so far no one has came to question me or Roman about Julio's discovered body. I knew it was only a matter of time before Roman gets arrested. I could feel it. I wanted to follow Roman to Brazil, but it's so far away. We're talking about on the other side of the fuckin world. Jasmine called me and said she was coming to visit us. She was getting ready to have her baby any day now. A little boy.

She came over. I hugged her so tight that tears came out of my eyes. We sat down.

Jasmine: diamond what's wrong?

Me: Jasmine, they found Julio's body.

She sighed and held my hand.

Jasmine: yeah... I know. I heard. Do they suspect Roman yet?

Me: no but it's only a matter of time before they do, Jasmine I'm so scared. I can't loose my husband. My kids need their father.

I cried,she hugged me.

Jasmine: diamond it's going to be okay. What are you going to do?

Me: Roman has a plan, he wants to run to Brazil. He wants me & the kids to go with him.

She looked at me and smiled.

Jasmine: then, go honey.

Me: are you serious? What about my life here?

Jasmine: Diamond Roman and those kids are your life. I know what Roman did was wrong but he's your husband, the father of your kids. He loves you and those babies..

Me: what about you and my mama?

Jasmine: girl, there is such a thing called a phone and visits. I'll come see you guys there and we can talk on the phone. I'll be okay and I'm sure your mom will be also.

Me: I know, I just don't know Jasmine Brazil?

She smiled.

Jasmine: I know, it's beautiful in some parts and don't worry I'm sure you guys will fit in. Plus Roman isn't going to let anything happen to you guys Diamond , you know that love.

Me: yes, yes I do.

Jasmine: well there you go. If Pierre wanted to go to Brazil, hell even London I would follow him. I love him.

I smiled.

Me: thanks for coming. Thanks for the talk I love you.

Jasmine: girl that's what I'm here for I love you too.

We hugged, cried, then she left.

I sat there thinking. Jasmine was right, I love Roman. I would follow him to the moon if he asked me too. My decision was made. If they come for him and he has to go to Brazil, I'm going with him. Roman came home. He hugged me and the kids. We ate dinner, then we were sitting in the living room. I grabbed his hands.

Me: okay baby, I'm all in let's go to Brazil.

Roman smiled, kissed and hugged me.

Roman: you sure baby?

Me: yes, I love you babe. We took vows. For better or for worse. You are my kids father, I'll follow you anywhere baby. We're in this together, they fuck with you they fuck with me.

He smiled, with tears in his eyes.

Roman: my girl.

We laughed.

Me: but I was thinking babe let's not wait, let's go... Before I could finish my sentence. He jumped up, grabbed me then kissed me. We were kissing so passionately. I put my hands in his hair, he had his arms around my waist.

Me: babe the kids..

Roman: you right. Let's go to the bedroom.

Its been two months since me and Roman had sex, because of the c section. I was afraid too but I was ready.

Me: and what are we going to do in there?

He laughed.

Roman: hmm, I wanna make you scream, I wanna hear you say my name, I wanna hear you beg me to stop..

We laughed.

Me: let's go.

We went into the bedroom, and made love. It was so intense. Roman was gentle. He took his time and I had a beautiful orgasm. Afterwards we put the kids to bed and Roman held me in bed.

Roman: baby, we can leave in a few days. I gotta make sure everything is okay and I wanna give you time to say goodbye to your friends and your mom.

Me: okay my love. I kissed him.

Roman: thank you Diamond, I love you so much.

Me: I love you too.

We kissed.

Roman : round 2?

Me: round 2.

We laughed. We made love again this time not so gentle. I mean come on you know how we get down. It was definitely heated in there. Afterwards we fell asleep. We were about to start a new life in Rio, Brazil.

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