17. Wedding Bells & Baby Romeo

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Diamond's POV: I am now 8 months pregnant. Me & Roman have been engaged for 3 months. I love him so much. I was so huge. I felt like I weighed a ton. Roman put me on maternity leave 2 weeks ago, so I basically have nothing to do. The wedding is 1 week away. So everything is already set. Roman fired Amanda after that little stunt she pulled at my party. I'm ready to have this baby & I'm also ready for this wedding to be over.

Jasmine has been helping me, my mom stayed in California for a while to help me out also. Our wedding was going to be so beautiful, Roman spent thousands of dollars. I told him that I didn't need him to do all of that, we could have just went to the courthouse but he said he wanted me to feel like a Queen. Truth is I already did. I've been really emotional lately. My mama told me it's the pregnancy & pre martial blues. I would cry all the time. Roman was very understanding. One day we were sitting in the living room watching TV and the snuggle commerical was on. I cried about that..

Roman: baby are you okay?

Me: yes, he's just so cute.

He laughed.

Roman: then why are you crying?

Me: I don't know. Something about him being wrapped up in that blanket.

Roman stared at me, he tried not to laugh. I looked at him.

Me: oh no you're laughing at me? I cried.

Roman: shh, no I'm not babe. He hugged me and smiled. He started talking to the baby.

Roman: son hurry up and come out already. Your mama is loosing it. He laughed.

I hit his arm. He laughed even harder. I didn't find it funny at all. I walked away. He looked at me.

Roman: hey, come back!

Me: no leave me alone.

He ran behind me.

Roman: baby I'm joking! He hugged me.

Me: I know, I'm sorry I'm just really emotional.

Roman: baby I know, you're pregnant honey. It's okay!! He kissed me

The wedding day came. I was so nervous. My mama and Jasmine helped me out. I felt like I looked ridiculous,I was so huge. I kept crying. Everything was so beautiful. Roman rented out a entire building. There was a part for our wedding & a part for our reception.

Mama: babygirl you look so beautiful! She cried

Me: I don't feel beautiful, I feel huge.

Mama: hush that nonsense, you're radiant, not too mention that glow. I'm so happy for you and Roman!!

Me: thanks mama. Is he here yet?

Mama: yes darling he's been here. He looks so handsome.

Me: I hope he doesn't change his mind. I sobbed. She hugged me.

Mama: baby girl, he's not he loves you. He's right down the hall

Jasmine: yes girl, he's ready!!

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