31. A Fresh Start

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Diamond's POV: We were getting ready to leave for Rio. Everything that we wanted to take was already packed & shipped off. There was a warrant issued for Roman's arrest, they couldn't catch him he kind of stayed off the radar. His hair grew longer and he highlighted it blonde. It was so sexy. He also had a mustache and goatee coming in.

I dyed my hair a hot red color and kind of shaved it on one side like a mohawk

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I dyed my hair a hot red color and kind of shaved it on one side like a mohawk.

I dyed my hair a hot red color and kind of shaved it on one side like a mohawk

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We were trying to disguise ourselves. Roman would call me Jessica Rabbit sometimes.
Our kids were growing so fast . Romeo was two and Juliette was now 4 months. I went to see my mom before we left for Rio. She hated the idea but she knew I was married and I had to make the best choices for my family.

On our last day in California, I stood around the house staring so many memories flooded my mind. I shed a few tears. I went to the company which was now ran by Josh and said my final goodbyes. I walked into my old office and sat at my old desk. I went into Roman's old office and sat at his desk, so many memories. I knew that I had to put it all behind me and try to make the best of the new life ahead of me.

We left for Rio. I literally cried on the plane. I held my kids tight and said to myself this is it. A new start. Roman hugged me.

Roman: babe it's going to be okay, I promise.

Me: I hope so.

I stared out the window, thinking to myself damn I really love this man. I'm willing to follow him across the world with our two small children. I don't know shit about Brazil. I dont know how I would shop, where my kids would go to school, where I would work nothing.. I was so lost. The things we do for love. We finally made it to Rio. I put a scarf around my head and sunglasses on my face. Roman had on sunglasses too. I held my children close too me.

Upon arriving, we were approached by men riding in a black SUV. My heart immediately sunk, but turns out they were are new security team. We hopped in the SUV. Roman held me and the kids close to him. We rode through different neighborhoods. We saw kids playing in the street, people sitting outside, different things. Some parts looked rough, some were okay. The ride seemed to take forever. It seemed like we were so far out.

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