43. Making Ammends

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Roman's POV: as I laid there, I heard my wife cry. I hated to hear or see her cry ecpessially when I knew it was because of me. Diamond means the world to me along aside our children. I would never cheat on her or hurt her. I knew she would never cheat on me either. It's just the thought of another man flirting with her, catching her attention that makes me so angry. She is mines!! I love her far to much to let her go. Alana means nothing to me, in my eyes she is a fuckin slut. Even if I wasn't fully devoted to Diamond, I still wouldn't touch her. She cheats on husband with half of the guys who work with us. They say horrible and I mean horrible things about her. I wouldn't dare! Before I met Diamond I had my whore phase but I had standards and she definitely wouldn't have been on my list.

I decided to go talk to my wife. I couldn't stand it any longer. I walked in the room. She was sitting on the bed, hair down, beautiful caramel skin wrapped in a silk nightgown, diamond necklace that I got her for our anniversary and face red & puffy from crying. I looked at her.

Diamond: what do you want? You wanna make me feel like a whore again?

I sighed.

Me: no, babe. I came to apologize.

Diamond: save it.

I walked over to her and hugged her. Luckily she didn't push me away.

Diamond: Roman I didn't sleep with Dominic, I swear.

Me: come on Diamond, I know that. But you gotta believe that I didn't sleep with Alana either the way it was presented to you was wrong. I admit she does cheat on him but not with me. I would never cheat on you. I love you. I love you to death. I love our kids. Babe you're the only one.

Diamond: I know Roman I'm sorry..I'm sorry for everything.

Me: me too babe.

We kissed then she hugged me. Her skin was so soft & warm. I let out a moan. She smelled so good like vanilla, sugar cookies, & exotic fruit. I rubbed her hair.

"Oh Diamond, my precious diamond"

She moaned. I kissed her neck. She rubbed my shoulders and back.

Diamond: I love you.

Me: I love you too.

We were kissing. I tried to take off her nightgown, she raised up her arms and let me. She was completely naked underneath. I took off my pants, climbed on top of her and laid us both down. We were kissing and holding each other. I went down to her neck, she massaged my hair, thmen I went lower, taking her there, she had her feet on my shoulders. She was going insane. I could tell that she was about to cum.

"That's it baby"

She moaned and grabbed my hair, I kept going.

"Yes daddy"! She screamed and her body shook. I smiled. I get her like clockwork everytime.

Diamond: damn Roman

Me: I wanna make you say my name all night.

Diamond: not before I make you say mines. She got on top of me kissing me all over then she went lower taking me there. I held her hair back and watched her. It was so sexy, she was so beautiful. Then she drove me insane.

"Fuck Diamond"

She laughed and kept going. I stopped her.

Diamond: hey why did you do that?

Me: because I wanna fuck you.

She smiled.

I climbed on top of her and put her legs by her ears. I held them there.

Me: you want another baby?

Diamond: um, no not right now Ryan is 6 months old. No sir!

I laughed. I pulled out a condom and put it on. I eased inside of her. I held her legs in place and I rocked her world. She couldn't move. All she could do was whine and moan. I talked her through her orgasm.

Me: that's right baby, let it go.

She moaned.

Me: don't hold it back. I gripped her thighs.

She moaned louder. So did I.

Me: come all over me baby.

She moaned. I choked her gently. then we came together beautifully. Like always.

Me: good girl. We were riding the waves of our orgasms. I let her legs go, leaned down and kissed her while I gave her a few more pounds. She screamed and gripped my back. We were done. I laid beside her. We were staring at each other smiling.

Diamond: what?

Me: nothing..

Diamond: tell me.

Me: do you ever want more children?

She looked at me.

Diamond: idk , I mean we have 3 and they're so small.

Me: yes, I know I don't mean now I mean later in the future.

Diamond: yeah. I guess so. Do you?

Me: yes maybe one more girl.

Diamond: yeah to kind of even the score.

Me: right.

We laughed.

Diamond: not right now though Roman, let's let them grow up a little then we can have one more. We have time I'm only 25 and you're only 27.

Me: that's all? I could have sworn I was like 100

We laughed. I kissed her forehead.

Me: no but seriously whenever you're ready babe, untill then I don't mind using protection.

Diamond: are you sure?

Me: of course.

Diamond: thanks baby.

Me: what for?

Diamond: being so understanding and attentive.

Me: that's my job babe.

Diamond: and you do it well.. amongst other things.

Me: oh yeah what other things do I do so well?

Diamond: you want me to tell you or show you?

We laughed. We started kissing. Just then Ryan woke up. I kept kissing her.

Diamond: um Roman, Ryan is awake.

Me: let him cry it's good for him.

She laughed.

Diamond: babe he might be hungry or wet.

I let out a sigh.

Me: okay I'll go get him.

I put on my boxers, washed my hands and went to get him. He started smiling at me. I smiled back.

Me: you knew what I was trying to do your mommy huh little man.

I laughed. I took him in the room with Diamond.

Me: see he's okay now, I think he knew what was going on.

We laughed.

Diamond fed and changed him. She rocked him back to sleep, while singing to him. I smiled watching them. How did a demon like me end up with a angel like her? Ryan went back to sleep. I put him in his crib. And ran back in the room with Diamond.

Me: alright now where were we? Oh that's right.

I started kissing her, she screamed and laughed. We made love again and fell asleep.

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