51. Roman's Change Of Heart

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Roman's POV: I was in the shower one night, thinking while the water hit my back, Diamond & my kids could have been killed. I was so hurt but more angry than anything. It if had not been for that damn meeting I would have been home.

I know I am the cause of all of this. I should have never brought Diamond or my kids into this mess. This shit haunts me everyday, Diamond was so sweet before I met her now she's so different. I think about the murder of Alana, I should have never allowed Diamond to do that, but she wanted to and I wanted to make her happy. Now we're having another baby, and I really want to change my life. Lately I have been thinking about going back to California and face my charges. I know that I will in prison for a long long time, but it's just a thought.

I know that Diamond, would never agree to it. Diamond and the kids were sleeping, I decided to go on the porch and have a drag. My smoking has increased over the last few months, Diamond hates it but it keeps me sane. Tyrone came to talk to me.

Tyrone: boss, we got news on who shot up the house.

Me: who was it?

Tyrone: TJ's cousin put out the hit. A guy named..

Me: Rylo Martinez.

Tyrone: that's correct. How did you know boss?

Me: I know all of them assholes.

Tyrone: how do you want us to handle it boss?

Me: I don't, at least not yet. Right now just leave it alone, just make sure that no one, I mean no one finds out about this house, make sure that Diamond and my kids are safe when they are here and when they go out. Diamond's pregnant again, we have to protect her.

Tyrone: ah, that's good news congrats boss!!

He hugged me.

Me: thanks man.

Tyrone: don't worry boss I'm on it.

Tyrone left and I went back inside. I laid beside Diamond and held her.

Diamond: hey where were you?

Me: I took a shower and I was outside talking to Tyrone, I'm not going anywhere baby. You feeling okay?

Diamond: morning sickness

Me: can I get you anything?

Diamond: no, I'm fine. Just hold me.

Roman: 10-4

We laughed and I held her. She was so warm, she smelled so good, Diamond always says that I'm her safe space but to be honest she was mines. She helps keep the monster away.

Me: Diamond, I'm thinking of changing my life around, maybe go to that church Maria goes to or something.

She turned towards me, and smiled, I wrapped my arms around her.

Diamond: are you serious?

Me: I'm thinking on it.

Diamond: that's really great news, I haven't been there in a while, I will definitely go with you whenever you decide to go.

Me: okay thanks my love.

We kissed, then we eventually fell asleep.

Diamond's POV: I woke up the next morning and decided to make breakfast, it was a Saturday so everybody was still sleeping in. I couldn't believe what Roman said last night. I'm so happy that he is even considering changing his life around, it's about time. Just then the phone rung, it was Jasmine. I haven't talked to her in some time now, I missed her so much. We talked for anout a hour, she told me that she was having another baby, I told her I was also. She talked about coming to visit, but I told her it would be better if I came to her. Just then Roman walked in. I got off the phone with Jasmine.

Roman kissed and hugged me.

Me: babe Jasmine called me

Roman: really, how is she?

Me: she's okay, she's having another baby. She wants to come visit but I told her it wasn't a good idea, I told her maybe I could go see her.

Roman frowned a little.

Roman: Diamond, no. Too risky.

Me: I know, it was just a thought.

I finished cooking, I was a little sad. I guess Roman noticed.

Roman: Diamond, if you want jasmine to come out here, she can I will make sure she gets here safe.

I got really excited.

Me: foreal?

Roman: of course my love.

Me: omg thank you baby.

Roman: anything for you.

We kissed and hugged. I suddenly had the urge to thank him properly, I got on my knees, he smiled, I started to go down on him. Just then Romeo walked in. I jumped up. Roman quickly fixed his pants.

Roman: fuck!!

I laughed and hit his arm.

Me: good morning son.

Roman: yes, good morning son.

Romeo: good morning.

He went into the living room to watch cartoons.

Me: my sweet baby, breakfast will be ready soon.

Romeo: okay mommy.

Me: Roman don't worry baby, I promise I'll finish later.

He smiled and went to watch cartoons with Romeo. It wasn't long before the rest of the gang woke up. Ryan came in the kitchen and held on to my leg, since I've been pregnant he hasn't left my side, I must be having another girl.

Me: Ryan, I love you dear but please go watch tv so mommy can cook.

He whinned and walked away. Roman came and got him. We finally ate breakfast, afterwards the kids went to play in their room. Roman and I went into our bedroom to finish what we started earlier that morning. Afterwards we laid there for a while.

Roman: wow, that was awesome.

Me: yes it was.

Roman: how about we get out today, you know me, you and the kiddies.

Me: sounds fun.

Roman: cool.

We fell asleep again for a short minute but jumped up remembering that we have 3 curious children roaming around.

Roman: babe, it's okay I'll watch them you go back to sleep. I'll get them ready for our day out and when you wake up you can get ready.

Me: sounds good.

Roman went with kids and I went back to sleep.

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