27.The Investigation

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Diamond's POV: I couldn't believe that this was happening. I couldn't believe that Roman killed someone. I was so hurt. I was 7 months pregnant. I was so ready for this to be over. The pregnancy, the investigation all of it. I was so tired. I was on maternity leave. One day Roman called me at home.

Me: hello?

Roman: hi baby. How are you feeling?

Me: I'm okay, just a little pressure.

Roman: babe, I need you to come here, there are FBI agents everywhere. They wanna talk too you

Me: omg, okay I'm on the way.

I got dressed and headed to the office. I really wasn't in the mood for talking but I had to do what I had to do. I finally made it to the office. There were FBI agents everywhere. I spoke with a lady. Agent Walker.

Agent Walker: Mrs. Peters I'm agent Walker how are you?

Me: I've been better.

Agent Walker: just a few questions then you're free to go. You met Mr Peters here correct?

Me: yes I did.

Agent Walker: how long have you known him?

Me: for almsot 2 years.

Agent Walker: were you aware that you're husband was involved in drug trafficking?

Me: my husband doesn't deal drugs.

Agent Walker: are you sure about that?

Me: yes.

Agent Walker: I have several pictures & witnesses that would disagree with you. Would you like to see those pictures?

Me: not without my attorney present.. no ma'am

She smiled.

Agent Walker: you're husband is a multi millionaire, why didn't he hire you a attorney?

Just then my attorney, Kelly Waters walked in.

Kelly: she does have a attorney. Kelly Waters nice too meet you. Do you have any evidence linking my clients to any of these alleged crimes?

Agent Walker: no, this is just routine questioning.

Kelly: I see well, if you have a official question to ask her, please do so if not I ask that my client be allowed to leave.

Agent Walker: Mrs. Peters do you know what happened to Julio Martinez?

I looked at my attorney, she nodded giving me the okay to answer the question.

Me: no I do not.

Agent Walker: thanks that's all Mrs Peters. She left out of the office.

Kelly: how are you doing diamond?

Me: not so good.. I cried. She hugged me.

Kelly: it's going to be okay, they're not going to find anything here.

Me: what about Julio?

She sighed.

Kelly: that's a different story. They're trying to hold Roman for murder.

I sobbed.

Kelly: it's okay. It's not going to stick. Without a body or a weapon. They have no case. Plus Roman has a lot of money, if he does get locked up, I will make sure he gets a bail, I know the judge. We need someone to give him a alibi. It can't be you or anyone you guys know . Someone not related or associated with the job or family.

Me: I don't know anybody. I cried

Kelly: don't worry I've got it under control. Go home Diamond and rest Roman will be home later.

She hugged me.

Me: thank you.

I went home. I decided to take a hot bath. I cried and cried. I got out of the bathtub. All of a sudden I started feeling a little weak. I went into the living room and called 911, then I called security. They came and took me to the hospital.

I felt so horrible. All of a sudden a felt this horrible pain in the bottom of my stomach. I screamed and cried. I thought to myself oh no it's too early.

"Please call my husband, his name is Roman Peters!!"

"We've already contacted your husband he is on the way".

Roman finally arrived. He ran too me. He kissed me .

Roman: baby I'm here, I'm here. Are you okay? What's going on with the baby?

Me: I don't know. I cried

The Dr came in.

Dr: Mrs Peters your baby is in distress, we're going to have to preform a emergency c section, and her out.

Me: omg, okay. Do what you have too do.

Roman: is she going to make it?

Dr: yes I'm sure she will, only time will tell. She is 2 months early, so she probably will spend time in the NICU.

I cried so did Roman.

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