20.If loving you is wrong,I don't wanna be right!

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Diamond's POV: I stayed with Roman. I know it was a dumb choice but I just couldn't leave him. A part of me wanted to help him, he was turning me into a savage and I didn't like it. Romeo stayed with my mama for 2 weeks.Now he's back.I made up a lie & told her Roman wanted to take me on a getaway. I couldn't tell her the truth. Things were quiet for a while between Roman & Julio.

Roman tripled the security at home and at the office. It was so weird. I was so tired of looking over my shoulder. I literally had to carry a gun everywhere I went. I wanted to protect my baby I was so afraid of Roman, sometimes the looks that I saw on his face scared me! I knew that he would never hurt me or the baby physically but he scared me. I love him so much, I love our baby, I love our home. I couldn't imagine life without him neither of them.

One night me and Roman was having dinner.

Me: babe, how's the food?

Roman: it's great my love.

I was feeling a little nauseous. I guess you could tell by the look I had on my face.

Roman: baby, are you alright?

Me: yes, I am okay. I'm just a little tired.

He took my hand & held it.

Roman: baby, I know this has been hard on you but I want you to know that I love you and our son so much! I understand that this is way more than you bargained for but I can't live without you or him. Please believe me, I'm going to protect you guys, I don't care if it causes me to loose my life, I won't let no one hurt y'all!

Me: okay baby, I love you!

He smiled then kissed me.

Roman: go lay, down I'll clean the kitchen and watch the baby. You go take a nap.

Me: thanks babe!

Truth be told, I haven't had a period, in over a month. I was so afraid that I was pregnant again. I went into the bathroom, & took a test. I sat and waited. I was so scared. Romeo is 6 months old. I wasn't ready for another baby yet but I am married so.. what will Roman think? He's under so much pressure with work, this shit with Julio, and keeping us safe. Most of his stress is his own fault, but I still worry about him. Everytime I talk to him about getting out the game he changes the subject. So I quit bringing it up. I looked at the test and of course it's positive.

"Fuck, fuck fuck!!" I cried.

Roman: baby are you okay in there?

Me: yes, I just umm hit my toe I'm fine.

Roman: come out babe, I wanna hold you.

Me: I'll be out soon.

Omg, I'm pregnant again. Damnit!! I walked into the bedroom Roman was laying there watching TV. I laid beside him. I started to tell him but I didn't. Roman wrapped his arms around me and started to kiss me.

Me: where's the baby?

Roman: he's asleep. He's fine.

He kept kissing me, he wanted to make love but I wasn't in the mood.

Me: Roman not right now baby.

He stopped & stared at me.

Roman: why what's wrong babe?

Me: I got a slight headache

Roman: I can fix that.

He started kissing me again, then he went down and started pleasuring me. I really couldn't get into it. I tried but nothing. He kept going. It felt good but I couldn't really enjoy it. I was focused on me being pregnant again.

Me: Roman, please stop honey.

He got up.

Roman: baby what's wrong? You usually love when I do that too you!!

Me: I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling it.

Roman: I can do it better, do you want me to?

Me: no, it felt really good. I'm just not there mentally. I'm sorry.

He had the look of rejection.

Roman: are you tired of me or something?

Me: of course not baby! It's not you, I'm just not feeling well.

Roman: okay diamond.

Me: babe I'm sorry.

Roman: Its okay don't be! Let's just go to sleep honey.

He wrapped his arms around me, minutes later he was asleep. I had trouble sleeping. Just then Romeo, woke up. I eased out of bed and went to him. I picked him up and fed him and changed his diaper. I sat in the rocking chair and rocked him back to sleep. He was making baby noises and touching my face, I smiled.

"Guess what Romeo, you're going to be a big brother".

" I'm going to be the best mommy, I can to the both of you"

He started with the baby talk. I laughed.

" I know, I know I gotta tell your daddy. I'm just scared, I don't know how he's going to react".

Little did I know, Roman was at the door listening to the whole conversation.

Roman's POV: I woke up and realized Diamond was gone. I walked towards Romeo's room and there she was holding him & talking to him. They are so beautiful. She is the best mother and wife. Just then I over heard her telling Romeo that he was going to be a big brother. And I thought to myself "diamond's pregnant again". Why didn't she tell me? That explains why she didn't wanna sleep with me tonight. I guess she was trying to process the whole thing, I mean Romeo isn't even walking yet. I don't mind though, I love being a daddy, maybe this time we will have a girl and we can name her Juliette or something of that nature.

She was getting ready to put Romeo back in his crib, I eased in the kitchen so she wouldn't see me. She walked in.

Diamond: oh hi baby, I didn't know you were awake?

Me: yeah, I was little thirsty. Little man gone back to sleep?

Diamond: yes, he was a little hungry and needed to be changed.

I looked at her. She looked worried.

Me: diamond, why didn't you tell me?

She looked at me, she looked nervous.

Diamond: tell you what baby?

Me: that you were pregnant.

Diamond: how did you know?

Me: well, I woke up and realized that you were gone, I came looking for you and overheard you talking to the baby. Diamond you don't have to hide that from me and you shouldn't. I'm your husband, these are my babies.

Diamond: I'm sorry baby, I just didn't know how you were going to take it.

Me: what's there to take? Diamond we're married, you're not on birth control, we don't use protection, we're going to have kids. We have alot of sex babe it's bound to happen and I don't care. I love you, I love being a daddy.

Diamond: really baby?

Me: hell yeah. I kissed her.

Me: is that why you didn't wanna sleep with me?

Diamond: yes, I took the test like 30 minutes before you tried too.. you know

I laughed.

Me: well now since I know and you don't have anything to worry about can we?

She laughed.

Diamond: hell yeah!!

We laughed I picked her up and took her to the bedroom. We made love.

Diamond's POV: Roman was excited about being a daddy again. I was so relieved. We made love, it was so incredible. He made me feel like I was floating. I love him so much. I knew that I should run from this man but I really loved him and if loving his was wrong I didn't wanna be right!!

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