III. The Pretty Ladies.

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After a while, the boys walked to the hacking control room. Wonwoo and Jihoon were laughing while having random talks.

"Found her?", Minghao asked.

"Yeah! Here... Doctor Dahyun Kim. Final year MD student in Seoul National University Hospital which is funded by the government. 27 year old. 161 cm. Younger sister of the owner of the hospital, Doctor Kim YN. Is an orphan. Address... street 2, Daehango, Northeast Seoul by the Yeongeon campus. Grew up with twelve other ladies, who are doctors and students in the same hospital."
"Gah damn, you found out more than enough info.", Hansol said. "SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL, I'M GONNA CRY~~"
"Let us see...?", Seungkwan asked.
"Aw... cute baby face... Kims are always pretty, see?", Mingyu said.

 Kims are always pretty, see?", Mingyu said

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"Any social media accounts?", Hansol asked.
"Instagram... @dahhyunnee...", Wonwoo opened the page.
"I AM GONNA SCREAM.", Hansol screamed.
"You already are...?!", Jun said.
"What type of specification does she have?"
"A psychiatrist."
Hansol gasped.
"Hyung, I have depression. I feel like I'm dying, I'm hopeless. I need motivation, I need serotonin boost. Let's go!", he pulled Jisoo.
"Bitch, it's 11:30 midnight. Don't be a creepy asshole!", the elder smacked the other's head.
"This bitch is in love.", Chan said.

"You all!", Jeonghan spoke and everyone's attention shifted to him. "GO SLEEP NOW! It's late."
And everyone whined.
"No whines! Go! Get to bed!", Jeonghan spoke again and the youngers walked out.
Jihoon turned the devices off and they walked out of the base.

"Hansol...?", Seungcheol called, entering his younger brother's room.
"Are you stalking your crush?"
"How did you know?", the elder laughed.
"It was easy to guess.", Seungcheol said and laid down beside the younger.
"Wait, hyung, you liked someone, right? Oh yeah! I remember.", Hansol asked.
"Hm. I wonder where she's now. Hope she's well...!"
"First love is unforgettable, right?"
"True... I never liked anyone after her... it's like ten years ago. I was only 20. Randomly met her in a cruise. And then had my first kiss and also a night-stand and she disappeared into the blue. God knows where that lady is now...!", Seungcheol sighed.
"Where did you meet her?"
"Remember I took Seungkwan to a party because he was getting stressed due to studies... and we met, she was with her sister and was drunk and we had sex and that's the end. I'm happy that I atleast met her."
"You just met her and had sex?! Like without even knowing her?"
"Umhm... we were drunk and it just happened. I wish I atleast knew her name so I could've found her but you and Seokmin say... Destiny~~ and everything just happened... appa's death... the girls...", Seungcheol said and both sighed.
"Do you not even have a picture or anything? Like nothing?", Hansol asked.
"No... nothing...! Seungkwan would recognize her tho. He had walked inside the room searching for me and he literally fell on his knees apologizing because he saw us lying on the bed."
"Jesus, hyung! I need to take you to the church."
Both laughed out loud.
"But agh! That's sad. I wish we find her somehow. Why is everyone missing?!", Hansol said.
"Well... let's hope! Ah, I was here to call you downstairs. We're all sitting there. Noone fell asleep. Come!"

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