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The three doctors went outside and found Chaeyoung subconscious and Seungcheol crying.

"Eyyy! Eyyy, unnie's babycub... open your eyes, she's all okay now.", Jihyo said.
"Get water, please!", Mina ordered and a nurse ran towards the caféteria.
"Oppa... she's all fine now.", Saerom informed.

The whole hospital breathe out in relief.

"C-Can I go see her?", Seungcheol asked.
And the eldest got up and walked inside the ward.

He stood infront of your bed, watching you for a while.
"I'm so sorry... love... I-I promise I'll never leave you again.", he sniffled.
"Un-", Sana entered inside and closed her mouth upon seeing you in that condition. "I'm sorry...", she said and walked outside.

"What happened?", Miaoyi asked. All the ladies had arrived.
"Her pressure fell very low to the point we almost lost her.", Mina said.
They gasped.
"H-How low?", Tzuyu asked.
"Like 50/45.", Saerom said.
"WHAT?!", they exclaimed.
"Gosh... is she okay? Oh my god! How much?! Is her breathing normal? I think we should check her up once... there's risk of any internal damage...", Suji suggested.
"We will, don't worry.", Jihyo said.

Nagyung and Jiwon got inside not being able to wait to see you. Seungcheol was just staring at you while seated on a tool.
Jiwon caressed the male's shoulder and gave him an assuring smile.
While Nagyung read the monitor.

"Unnie had been continuously working, running from hospital to home and taking care of all of us since days... she definitely wasn't eating and getting rest so her pressure fell down at once.", Nagyung said.
Seungcheol nodded.
"She's fine now."
"When will she wakeup?", he asked.
"Might be tonight or tomorrow morning.", Jiwon said.
"If she wakes up, call the nearest doctor, yeah?", he nodded.

The next morning.

3:38 a.m.

"Umh...", you groaned, trying to move but the stinging pain on your hand and oxygen mask didn't let you.
The male beside you wokeup at once since he wasn't properly asleep.
"Yn... are you awake...?", he asked, caressing your hair.
"H-Hm...", you muttered. He looked behind, Jihyo was asleep on the couch.
Seungcheol called Jihyo and she immediately got up.

"Unnie...", she called.
"Hm...", you responded.
"How are you feeling?"
"Okay... what happened?", you asked.
"Your pressure reached 50/45.", she replied.
"Oh...? And I made it out alive...?"
"What the fuck, unnie?", you chuckled at her annoyed face. "Do you think I'll let anything happen to you?"
"Ofcourse not.", you smiled.

"Let me remove this...", and she carefully removed the oxygen mask and turned the gas off. "Sleep, it's late..."
"I just wokeup from long sleep."
"Umhm... talk to oppa then... I'll get your reports, hm?", she said and kissed your forehead.
And Jihyo walked outside while Seungcheol looked at you.

"What happened, Mr. Husbun?", you asked.
"I'm never leaving you again.", he said, grabbing your hand.
"It's okay... it was a health hazard."
"No... I'm still not."
"Alright... how are you?", you asked.
"Better now...", he said.
"My morning kiss?"
He chuckled and kissed you.

"Oh my- I'm sorry-", someone whisper yelled.
Both of you laughed upon seeing Jiwon and Seungkwan again.
"Get in...!", you said.
"It's always one of you.", Seungcheol laughed.
"I think I was born to get traumatized, it's okay.", Seungkwan said.
Jiwon walked to you, wiped your lips and kissed them.
You laughed when she side-eyed Seungcheol.

"You've not been eating well.", and she complained.
"I'm sorry..."
"YOU- I shouldn't shout-", Jiwon breathe out. "Your sorry won't work- I'm gonna feed you the universe once we get home."
"Look at the time she sent me texts at.", Seungcheol said, forwarding his broken phone to Jiwon.
"3 a.m... 2 a.m... 1.a.m... and morning 4 and 5 a.m.s... unnie, you're not sleeping either?!", the younger questioned. "By the way- what wrong with this phone?"
"Why are you awake then?", you asked.
"She's not asleep yet.", Seungkwan informed.
"Exactly and why?"
"Do you think I can sleep when you're in this state?", she questioned and you chuckled.
"I wanna get up.", you said.
"Hm? Can you?"
You nodded and slowly got up on your elbows.
"Tsss...", and hissed. Seungcheol supported you to get up. "Oh wow... glucose...?", you asked upon seeing the cannula on your hand.
"Yes...", Saerom entered in with Jeonghan.
"All of you are here?", you asked.
"Me, Mina and Jihyo are required and Jiwon and Dahyun refused to go home.", Saerom said.
"Oh... I'm hungry.", you said.
The ladies slapped their foreheads. You laughed.
"Let me check your pressure and then, yeah?", you nodded.

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