CXV. Prom.

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"I guess... we look fine too?", Yena, Yunsoo and Jinae asked.
"AWWWW!", everyone were in awe, watching them nervous yet cute.
"We look fine too, I guess?", Hyunju asked.
"VERY PRETTY!", everyone said to the youngers.

 "VERY PRETTY!", everyone said to the youngers

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And the phones of the elders buzzed.
"HE'S HERE. HE'S HERE. WHAT DO I DO?!", Jinae and Yena screamed, running here and there.
"Y'all do whatever. I'm going.", Yunsoo kissed her parents and the youngers before walking out. "BYE!"
"HAVE FUN!", Seungwan said.
"You two?! GO?!", Jeongyeon said.
Yena and Jinae breathe out.
"I can imagine how nervous you're feeling, kid. Even I'm so nervous although I've known him since I was 10-", Jinae said.
"OKAY! LET'S GO!", Yena nodded.
And they hugged everyone and walked out.
Everyone laughed.
"Ah! I think we should drop them too.", Jeonghan said.
"Comeon, kids!", Wonwoo said.
"You're going?", Suwoo asked.
"Yeah. Me too.", Mingyu grinned.
"Wh- Okay...?!", Minji side-eyed him.
"Me and Seokjin hyung too.", Taehyung added.
"Fine!", Seokjin got up as well.
Yunchae and Soyeon blinked their eyes and shrugged their shoulders.

Yunchae and Soyeon blinked their eyes and shrugged their shoulders

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"H-Hi...!", Jinae greeted. Jay went speechless upon seeing her and she went speechless twice.
"Wow... Hi! You look amazing.", he complimented. She blushed
"Thanks... you look really good too."
"Thanks!", Jay smiled.
"HEYYY~~", Namjoon greeted out of nowhere. Hyemin and Yeonjun behind him.
"O-Oh? Doctor Namjoon? And... Hyemin and Doctor Yeonjun?", Jay was surprised. Jinae slapped her forehead.
"Oh not doctor, call me hyung!", Yeonjun said with a smile. "But if my sister gets hurt, I'm gonna be your doctor."
"E-Eh?! Your sister!?"
"HAHA! YEAH!", Hyemin shouted. "But you're the best person I know. Omg, I'm so happy that you're my brother-in-law."
He patted Jay's shoulders, hugging him.
"Omg! Y'all are so embarassing.", the female covered her face.
"Okay! Okay! Please take care of my daughter! And call me dad, I g-", Namjoon was cut-off by an elbow. "OW!"
"Now may I please leave with my date?", Jinae questioned with a forced smile.
"Ofcourse, enjoy!"

"Hi!", Yena greeted, literally red because she found the man effortlessly hot and attractive.
"Hey!", Sunghoon smiled. "You look beautiful...! Amazing!"
And she blushed mad.
"Thanks! You smell really nice and ofcourse look good too.", Yena complimented as well.
"HAH! HEY, POWERFUL CREATURE!", Seungcheol almost screamed. Both the children got startled.
"Appa-", Yena slapped her forehead.
"No offense, I know you'll do it, you can fight, you're tall and handsome BUT!", he said, patting more like hitting Sunghoon's shoulder. "Take care of my daughter!"
Sunghoon gulped.
"Ofcourse, I will.", he assured, bowing down.
"Hah! I knew. You're Seulgi and Sehun's son anyway and just take a look at that-", Seungcheol pointed. Sunghoon turned back and saw Yeonjun and Hyemin with the same psychotic smile. "Yes! That's it! And remember it's bad etiquette to kiss on the first date, rest I love you, child. Bye! Enjoy!"
He rapped and disappeared.
"I am so sorry- this is so embarassing-", Yena said.
"It's... okay! Girl dads are like this.", Sunghoon said. "Uh, please get in!", he opened the door for Yena.

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