LXXXV. Think about it?!

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It was like 2 a.m. in the morning. You wokeup from sleep upon feeling your side empty. You looked around and didn't find Seungcheol in the room which made you get up and walk out after checking the bathroom and closet.
You walked downstairs and didn't find him. So you grabbed your phone and called your mate.


Yedong couldn't sleep because of what he had heard. 'Highness might lose her life while giving birth.' Both the fathers were wide awake, rubbing their eldest son-in-law's back and head who had just fell asleep after crying for hours in their arms. Seungcheol's phone buzzed in charging, '🫀' calling him.

"Yn...", Yooshik said. "I'll go get her.", he got up and walked out, returning back with you.
"Is he okay?", you asked, looking at Seungcheol who's head was on Yedong's lap.
"Yeah... he got very scared and cried for hours straight.", the father said.
"Oh? Why? Is anything wrong with me? Or our baby?", you asked.
"Nothing's wrong, little one! Why are you awake?", Yooshik asked.
"Why are you two awake? It's like 2:15?", you asked. They sighed.
"We couldn't fall asleep either.", Yooshik said, pulling you on his lap and cuddled you.
"Why?", you asked again, feeling sleepy.
"Yn...", Yedong called. "You almost died, baby."
"Eh?!", you whisper yelled.
"Yeah. The child inside your womb is too powerful for you to have inside. That was close.", he said. You blinked your eyes.
"S-So... I didn't fall?"
"No... Hyunju, Yena, the mothers of all the powerful creatures that I know have gone through the same. Looks like the creature in you is extraordinary."
"S-So...? How am I fine now?", you asked.
"The father controls the restless child. This goes around for like six months...? Till the baby has a brain and can think what trouble it's causing to the mother, till then, it needs a father's surveillance or contact or words to calm it down.", they explained.
You gulped.
"S-So that's why the pain vanished when Seungcheol placed his hand on my stomach yesterday morning?", you expressed.
"Definitely. He did the same a while ago.", Yedong said.
"Yn... what are you gonna do, baby? Are you gonna keep the child?"
"What the hell are you asking me, appa? Ofcourse!", you said, covering your belly with your hands.
"I-It can take your life, babybear. There's risk to your life while giving birth to the child. A-And the condition we saw you in a few hours ago was too disturbing for your mate.", Yedong patted Seungcheol's back. "He was so stressed, almost going breatheless while crying questioning if you should have his child or not. He didn't want to let go any of you. He'd go- Yn is too important for me, I can't lose her but she was so happy upon finding out we were having a child, she's always speaking about what we're gonna do in the future and was so sad when she couldn't bear a child because of me, what am I supposed to do, appa?- he spoke so many things, Yn, he's truly in love with you. This man would go insane if you're not with him by any chance. The girls would lose themselves."

"I-I don't want to do anything to our baby, appa. I-I wanna give birth to his child. Nothing happened to both eommas while giving birth to us. They even had another child after us- nothing will happen to me either.", you said. "I won't let anything happen to his baby, no. I-If the child is powerful, I'm powerful too?"
"We understand what you're feeling. Both of your mothers argued with us saying the same thing. But-"
"No, appa. I don't wanna talk about this. Neither I wanna hear any ifs or buts. If I die, you'll take care of our child, won't you? The girls will take care of it? There are so many people we can rely on.", you argued.
"If they'll remain capable enough to take care, right?! Do you think they'll be in their senses if anything happens to you. Do you know Suji and Dahyun fainted after we returned? If that's their condition upon just seeing you in pain, imagine what would they be like if you're not with them anymore. Don't even get me started on what I'd do.", Yedong said. "And... Seungcheol! Now I understand that he loves you way more than you do to him. Have you thought what he's gonna go through?! Forgive me for saying this, Yn, but he might abandon the child because it'd take your life."
"Appa! What are you speaking?!", you cried out.
"I'm just speaking what's gonna happen. Nothing much!"
"Appa... please...", you sobbed. "I-If everyone said something like this, neither me, not Seungcheol would've been born, appa."
"We kn- Yn...! Yn, oh my god!", Yooshik held you as you passed out. "Gosh!"
He laid you on the couch and ran outside to get any doctor while Yedong wiped his tears.
Jimin walked in and held your wrist. Minju looked at you in worry and went to Seungcheol.
"Is he fine?", she asked, gently stroking her brother's hair.
"Yeah! He was just stressed. Wanted a shoulder to cry on...", Yedong replied.
"Oh oppa!", Minju's eyes filled with tears as well as she laid down beside her asleep brother. "Can I be with you all for a while, appa?"
"Ofcourse, princess!"

"She's fine. Just the pregnancy symptoms.", Jimin informed and sat down on the floor beside you. "Oh noona...", he sighed. "Why aren't you all asleep and is hyung okay?"
"Yeah... he's fine. We were kinda worried about Yn. She wokeup searching for Seungcheol... and we were talking about what she should do about this.", Yooshik answered.
"Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo and Seungwan unnies went through pain as well but those weren't as horrendous as Yn unnies. They'd not start bleeding or almost dying... or go breatheless... they'd just be in too much pain. But that'd vanish if oppas just walk in the room.", Minju explained. "We didn't think it was that pain because she showed different symptoms or we'd have gotten her straight here."
"Oh...!", the fathers nodded in understanding.
Everyone sighed.

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