LXXXVIII. He does love his child.

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4:35 p.m.

You were just checking patients, one last remaining and also had a checkup of yourself. Seokjin was analysing his reports as well since that was both of yours shared cabins.

"The procedure costs a hundred million won, can you manage that much money?", you asked.
"A h-hundred million?", the male infront asked.
"Yeah. If you invest, your child will be just fine and live his whole life."
"C-Can't the money be reduced? Mam, I had my daughter with lots of struggles-"

And someone entered in the cabin. Your eyes widened when Seungcheol gave an innocent smile and sat down on the chair infront of your brother, placing a few gift bags aside. Your assistant suppressed her laugh.
"What the hell are you doing here, kid?", Seokjin asked.
"Came for a check-up, hyung!", Seungcheol replied.
"With branded bags? Good. I wanted to try this on someone.", he took out a knife.
You laughed and focused back.

"I'm-I'm sorry... please continue?", you said.
"My wife went through lots of struggles while having her. The doctors advised us to abort because of the complications that could've taken her life. But she still decided to have her and if the mother is fine- who even am I? I finally finished paying the debt of her birth just a year ago- she's five now, with this disease. I almost lost my wife... now where do I manage that much money?", the man was in tears.
Both you and Seungcheol looked at the man feeling bad because both of yours situations were the same. Seokjin glanced at both of you.
"Please save my daughter... she can't even think properly... I can manage only half money.", he joined his hands.
You shook your head and placed his hands down.
"Please don't. I understand what you're feeling. Very well, sir. How much can you manage?", you asked.
"F-Fifty million won...", he sniffled.
"Fifty million on debt?", you asked. He nodded. "Without debt?"
"O-Only... twenty million."
"Yeah. So I'll charge you only twenty million, hm?", you smiled. The man cried more, thanking you. "No problem, sir! Hey, what's your name, baby?", you asked the little girl.
"Kim Hyunju..."
The doctors looked at her, their eyes getting teary. Seungcheol was taken aback as well.
"O-Oh...?", you said, blinking your eyes and wrote her name. "Please admit her under my category!", you forwarded them a paper.
"Thank you, thank you, doctor! May your kids never face anything bad!", the man had a genuine smile as he walked out.
There was silence in the cabin for a while as the Kim siblings grabbed tissues.
"Is everything okay, mam?", Daisy asked.
"Yeah!", you replied. "Get the next one?"
"That's all.", she informed.
"Oh alright... you can leave then.", you said and she bowed down and walked away.
"What a coincidence!", Seokjin said. You nodded.
"Doctor.", Seungcheol shifted to you. "My wife isn't talking to me."
"Consult a psychiatrist, why are you here?"
"I already consulted the psychiatrist. She said my wife would talk to me if I do these tests, she'd talk to me. So I did.", he pointed at the bags.
"This bitch- who even comes to a hospital with gifts?!", Seokjin slapped his forehead. You laughed.
"Alright...! I'll analyse the reports later. I have a check-up too.", you got up, taking the gifts. "Oppa, I want to do an ultrasound. You can leave. I'll return with Cheol."
"Fine!", the eldest said.
"You mean that two inch thing inside y-", Seungcheol was cut-off by a shout.
"YAH! YOU PERVERT!", Seokjin shouted and he immediately ran after you. You laughed, entering Suji's cabin. She was packing her stuff.

"Doctor, one more patient!", you said. She looked at you and chuckled.
"Yeah, sure! Mrs. Choi! But please tell your husband to go out for a while.", Suji said.
Seungcheol gave her a side-eye.
"Nasty.", he hmphed and walked out. Both of you cackled.
"HAH! HAHA!", Yeri laughed at Seungcheol before walking inside the gyne's cabin. Taehyung pulled Seungcheol with him.
"This kid!", the elder said.
"Poor you, hyung! Being the eldest brother-in-law is tough! You and Seokjin hyung have the same troubles. Wife's sisters.", Taehyung tsked and they walked somewhere, wheezing at what he said.

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