XXXVI. Where Is My Love?

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The next morning.

The sky was dark and scary, light never entered the vampire kingdom. Seungcheol wokeup.

"Tsss!", he hissed upon feeling some pain in his back.
He, then, looked beside him. You weren't there instead there were blood patches. The vampire immediately got up.

"Wait- what the heck?", he mumbled, looking around the room, nothing was in condition, the furniture, glass table, torn couches... what happened last night? Was it this horrible? Seungcheol did remember the night but he didn't expect it to be this violent.
He immediately got up and went inside the bathroom.

"What the-", the vampire got shocked upon seeing marks and scratches of nails all over his chest and not on back. You definitely tried to push him away but frustration had blindfolded him. And Seungcheol finally realized it was the vampire kingdom.
"Sh-Shit...!", he immediately washed up and ran downstairs. "COURTIERS!", he shouted.
"Y-Your majesty!", they showed up within no time.
"Did you all see the Yn?! The-The lady who was with me yesterday?", the ruler asked.
"S-Sorry, your majesty, we haven't.", they kneeled down.

"Fuck, goddammit!", Seungcheol cursed, where might've his mate gone in an unknown kingdom? He tried calling you but your phone was off and none of the girls picked up either.
So without wasting any time, the mafia got inside his car and drove out of the place.
His breathe hitched as he remembered how you were screaming and crying and begging him to stop but he just kept abusing and exploiting you.
"S-Seungcheol... d-don't... please don't... I might d-die if you do this..."
"Shut the fuck up, slut! Th-This is what you fucking wanted, right? To be my whore? My power and property?! Or my dick?", he choked you harder, your face was blue by then.
"N-No... s-stop..."
"Be a good bitch!", he slapped you.

"Yn... please love...", Seungcheol was crying as he kept calling you. "I'm so sorry... I'm-I'm a horrible person..."

After 15 minutes, he reached your mansion and ran inside.
"YN?!", he called. And noone responded. And his phone buzzed.

Nothing annoyed him more than that name. He cut it off but Kim Yedong kept calling.
"The fuck's your problem?", he questioned upon picking up.
"What the fuck is your problem, you monster?! If anything happens to my daughter, I swear I'm gonna destroy your whole bloodline.", the mafia from the other side spat.
"See, Kim, I don't know your daught-"
"You're going fucking crazy searching for her right now. You won't find her, no."

Seungcheol stopped.

"Wh-What do you mean?", the black mafia asked.
"I mean Yn is my daughter. She probably doesn't know I'm alive but definitely would recognize me. I can get a fucking dna test and her childhood photos if you have a doubt but you don't deserve to know anything about her, you fucking rapist."
"S-See... Yedong, p-please, you have my wife, right...? Don't hurt her p-"
"Your wife?! You've not even mated her yet, not marked, mere words won't make the witch queen your wife. There's no difference between you and your father. Both of you are horrible partners. It's true what they say, you and your species is disgusting.", Yedong said.

Seungcheol dropped on his knees.

"Please... please... is she okay? I-I beg you... tell me where she is? I wanna see her... I-I-", the younger asked.
"You're not gonna get even a glance of her till I'm alive, none of you are gonna meet my daughters, and she's not okay. Fucking go through it before I actually choke you to death.", the old man hung up.

"Yedong?! He-Hello?!", and Seungcheol called him again but he didn't pick up. "Yn... Yn... Yn... Yn... I fucking need her by my side right now."
Your thoughts had clouded his mind.

He gathered himself up and ran downstairs and drove off towards his mansion.

"BOYS!", and he called.
"Hyung... Hyung, are you okay?", Seungkwan asked.
"Ye-Yedong... Y-Yn... sh-she- he-", the eldest blabbered.
"Seungcheol... Seungcheol... shhh!", Jeonghan grabbed the elder. "What happened? Relax! Tell me!"
"Yedong... called me, he's Yn's father."
"WHAT?!", everyone exclaimed.
"Ye-Yes! Listen...", he passed his phone and they checked the call recording.

Everyone's mouth hung open and they didn't know how to respond. They connected the dots, everytime Yedong called them, he'd always mention daughters... so he's actually yours and Dahyun's father.

"So... where are they?", Mingyu asked.
"I don't know...", Seungcheol cried out.
"What did you do to noona?", Hansol asked.
"I'm sorry... I-I was too frustrated.", Seungcheol wasn't in the stage to manage breathe to speak.
"So frustrated... that-that you raped her?!", Seokmin questioned.
"I'm-I'm sorry... I'm not worthy enough for her forgiveness... I just wanna see her once."

The guys didn't even know how to react to it so they gave looks to eachother.

"Don't worry... we'll find them. Sit down!", they said and made the eldest sit.
"Have some food?", Chan asked.
"I'm not hungry...", Seungcheol said.
They sighed, didn't force him to eat.
"They might be in the queendom, what do you think?", Jun asked.
"Ofcourse, where else...", Jisoo added.
"B-But we don't know how to reach there.", the eldest said.
"You're so fucked up right now that your brain isn't working.", Jeonghan said.
"We can go to the kingdom and ask people.", Soonyoung said.
"L-Let's go then! Why are we waiting?", Seungcheol got up.

Seventeen entered inside the royal palace of the vampires. Everyone welcomed the thirteen vampires.

"Welcome, majesties!", the king welcomed

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"Welcome, majesties!", the king welcomed.
"Thanks, King Yang!"
"Uh... we're in a hurry right now. Can we talk to princes for a while?", Jihoon asked.
"Oh yes, ofcourse!"

Then, walked in the vampire princes.

Then, walked in the vampire princes

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"Hello, hyung-nims!", they greeted.
"Hi, boys!", the elders greeted.
"We have a small talk to do, can you all come with us for a while?", Jeonghan said.
"Yeah, ofcourse!", Shinyu, the crown prince, nodded and the twenty people walked outside the hall.

"Boys, see... this is important and confidential so we didn't want King Yang to be involved.", Seokmin started.
"Do y'all know the route to the witch queendom?", the princes almost choked at the question.
"Y-Yeah... why, hyung?", Dohoon asked.
"Can you please take us there?", Seungcheol requested.
"Are you sure?... Why actually?", Shinyu asked.
"We'll explain it to you. Just take us there.", Seungkwan said.
"Did you find noonas?", Youngjae asked.
They sighed.
"Anyways, let's go then?", Hanjin said and they walked out.

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