XV. His Brothers.

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And both of you walked towards the villa where Seventeen was.

"I don't know who's sleeping where so let's just randomly barge in

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"I don't know who's sleeping where so let's just randomly barge in.", Seungcheol whispered. You gave him a thumbs up and both of you entered a room.

"Is it Jeonghan?", he wondered.
"Yeah, it's me.", the male spoke. Both of you got startled.
"Why are you awake?", you asked.
"He's a very light sleeper, easily gets disturbed.", Seungcheol said.
"Oh wow... sorry, we were just checking on y'all.", you said.
"Doing parents' duty, keep going! Good Night!", Jeonghan said, pulling the duvet.
"Good Night!", and both of you got out.
"We call him angel because his birthday is 1004 and pretty.", Seungcheol said.
"He's actually pretty."
"Yeah... also pro-cheater. This bitch cheats so much in games."
You laughed.

"Now... oh that's Jun..."
"I-Is he asleep? Or what-?", you got startled upon seeing him sleeping with eyes half-open.
"He has a habit of sleeping with eyes open sometimes, don't worry."
"He's a quiet extrovert. I find him adorable, right?", you asked and Seungcheol nodded.
"Yeah... he's literally a cat, also called Mr. Blue Earmuffs... and also Sailor Moon Jun since he likes that character."

"Who this... oh it's another kitty, Wonwoo...", Seungcheol chuckled.
"He's so tiny.", you said.
"He's very cute. Even mad, he looks like he's meowing."
"Aww...", you laughed.
"He has a horrible eyesight, thank god he got a crush on Sana maybe she'll lessen his game addiction."
"She's gonna start playing as well.", you said.
"Oh no!", both of you laughed. "He has named himself Game Boi, we call him beanie, black cat and sloth tho. He's lazy."
"I see. Sana is very active, don't worry."
"Phew, okay!"

"Oh... Shua..."
"Another elder younger brother.", you said making the male chuckle.
"He's so gentleman. He's gentle in a sexy way so gentle-sexy... gentleman... reindeer because he resembles one... joshu, shua, joshuji, josh... derived names."
"I see... is he usually silent?"
"No... I know, right? He hasn't really talked much here.", the other said.
"Umhm... might be he's a bit uncomfortable?", you asked.
"But he's not someone to feel uncomfortable... he was so excited~"
"Minaaaa!", both of you whisper yelled.
"Exactly!", and nodded in understanding before exiting.

"Hm... hm... oh, Soonyoungie..."
"Ah... he's the one who's the most comfortable I found yet.", you expressed.
"True... he talks a lot.", Seungcheol said.
"Let him then...! We can listen."
"We can but once he starts about his tiger agenda, we're gone. This person is obsessed with tigers for some reason... he has named himself Horangi, and also likes spiders for some reason? We just randomly use Kwon Fire, Kwon ham-ji, Kwon something, etcetera~"
"But he looks like a hamster?", you said.
"If he hears you, he's gonna wakeup and start whining."
Both of you laughed.

"Woozi...", Seungcheol spoke.
"Why do you call him Woozi?", you asked.
"We used to call him Uri-Jihoon... so he made it short to U-Ji so Woozi also his mafia name.", the male explained.
"Wow... imagine thirteen of you calling eachother by mafia names while in public, people are gonna run away.", he laughed.
"True that but we're careful in public..."
"He's so white, right? White like Dahyun.", you mentioned.
"Yeah! And he also loves rice... so we call him White and sneakers and also Tofu... what you call Dahyun... he can also play instruments so sometimes Mr. Composer.", he explained.
"I see..."

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