LXXV. Missed you 2.

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"YEDONG UNCLE?!", the vampire princesses screamed, pointing at the wizard.
"Oh do y'all know them?", Seungcheol asked.
"Why not? Yedong uncle- Yooshik uncle-", Nayeon said. They were surprised.

"WOW?", the old men were shocked as well. "Where- how-"
"Me and Cheol found them in Norway.", you said. "I TOLD YOU. I TOLD YOU, APPA."
"Y-Yeah... I won't underestimate you from now, Agent Red and sir Scoups.", Yedong said.
"WELL HI!", Yooshik greeted.
"HI!", they squealed, running to the old men to hug them.
"Omg, we asked dad so much about you. He never answered us?", Chaewon said.
"We were lost. Well. Yeah.", Yedong said. "We knew you all were missing like just a month ago, King Yang told us- and- and- now what the heck?"
"Where were y'all? We were trying to search for you all since three weeks lol.", Yooshik said.
"Ah, uncle, we... well. We'll answer.", Chaeyoung said.
"Who are you even calling uncle? That is your father.", Seokmin said.
"YEAHHH!!!", the vampire princesses shouted. "APPA!"

"WAIT! Gorgeous, ethereal, surreal, unreal, divine. Are these sister-in-laws?! How did y'all monkey faces get them?", Seungwan questioned, looking at the witches who were just standing looking bewildered.
"I'm-I'm kind of... lost? Aren't they your sisters, babe?", Suji asked, holding Chaewon and Minju. Mingyu nodded.
"And... this yours-", Jihyo pointed at Chaeyoung.
"Babe... she yours.", Saerom pointed at Jeongyeon.
"Y-You're Momo unnie, right?", Miaoyi asked. Momo nodded.
"You... are Wendy unnie-", Jiwon pointed.
"And you're Nayeon unnie?", Dahyun asked. Nayeon nodded.
"WOAAAAHHH!", and the witches screamed.

"I was wondering why they weren't acting as chaotic as the guys explained.", Nayeon said and you laughed watching the girls jumping around and laying on the grass because they were shocked.
"Was it just us who didn't know appa and papa?", Hansol asked.
"No because you aren't royals. And they're royals, that's why.", Yedong said.
"We've met during various meetings and also Hyunju and Yena were good friends, y'all's aunties and the females of our families used to hang out. That's why.", Yooshik explained.

"SHOO!", the witch princesses shooed their partners away and sat down with the vampire princesses.
"HI, UNNIE!", Tzuyu greeted.
"Hi, beautiful!", Momo greeted. The younger blushed.
"Where were you?", Dahyun asked.
"Oh... in Norway.", Chaewon answered.
"Oh wow... unnie, we're twins. Chaeng and Chaeng!", Chaeng said and Chaeyoung laughed.
"Are you my unnie?", Sana asked.
"I am, Shasha!", Seungwan answered.
"You are... so beautiful...!", Nagyung woahed.
"Same to you, sweetie!", Nayeon said.
Dahyun gasped.
"Y-Your baby?", she asked, Jeongyeon nodded.
"Here, wanna hold your niece?", she forwarded. Dahyun carefully held Jinae.
"Oh ma gawd...! She's so small..."
"So... where are your mates?", Saerom asked.
"Oh our mates, huh?", Minju looked at you. "Where are they, unnie?"
"Oh... I made them sleep. One inside the crib, one on the couch, two on the floor and one was on my lap and I was on other's embrace and one on the bed.", you said and suppressed your laugh upon seeing the confused faces of the youngers. Seventeen wheezed and the vampire princesses chortled.

"What?!", they exclaimed.
"What the fuck did you just speak?", Yeri questioned.
"I said what I said. They were asleep like that?", you said.
The girls were scared at that point.
"Unnie! Talk straight, you're gonna be a mother in eight months.", Miaoyi said and the vampires literally cackled.
"I'll use an endocavitary probe transducer during ultrasound if you don't speak correct.", Suji threatened. You almost choked.
"I've had twice larger things inside me. That shit isn't gonna hurt me.", you argued.
"Damn, unnie...! There's an infant-", Dahyun said.
Seventeen cleared their throats while their sisters clapped.
"YAAAAS!", they said. Seungcheol was embarrassed yet was wheezing.
"Daughters have no shame nowadays.", Yedong said, all of you laughed. "Anyways, are those chips?"
And you noticed your brothers walking outside, Namjoon checking medicines.
"Well, ladies!", you called. "If y'all don't believe, ask their husbands?"
"Okay! Where are they?", Jihyo asked.

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