XXXIX. I'm So Sorry.

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As Dahyun ended explaining, the guys had a similar reaction, they were aghast, taken aback and immobilized upon hearing all of it.

"And he didn't utter a lie, since unnie is the queen and anyone within the boundaries of the queendom cannot lie in her presense since her psychokinesis power is always active.", Dahyun ended.

"Now it's upto you all, if you all wanna stay with us, stay since everything on both sides is neutral, infact, your side started the war... and if you all don't want to, have a good life.", Jiwon said and the princesses walked outside.

All the boys looked at Seungcheol. He seemed absent after hearing the talks.
"H-Hyung...?", Seungkwan called and the eldest suddenly burst into tears and the younger beside him pulled him into a hug.
That was definitely too much for the vampire to handle so he couldn't hold himself.
"Hyung... it's okay. It's alright.", Soonyoung said. "Everything's fine."
"I-I love her so much... I-I love Yn... I-I can't live without her...!", he cried out.
"We-We know, hyung. Nothing has happened between both of you, why are you worried?", Minghao asked.
"I'm-I'm sorry...", the eldest cried out.
"Hyung... why...?"
"I-I'm sorry...!"
"Hyung...", they sighed.

The males were sobbing as well. They stayed there for half an hour more and walked upstairs where everyone was.

"C-Can I please speak to her once...?", Seungcheol asked.
"No.", Jihyo denied.
"Babe... let them speak once, please?", Seokmin requested.
"Fine. Infront of everyone.", she said.
You laughed at how scary she looked.
"Underboss for a reason.", Sana laughed as well.

Seungcheol walked to you and shot daggers at Yedong who was sitting beside you, massaging your feet.

"Are you... feeling okay?", he asked.
"Yeah, she's gonna go to the park and run a hundred meter race now.", Yeri spoke.
You gave her a look, asking her not to be rude.
And looked at Seungcheol, giving him a thumbs up and a smile. He smiled as well.
"Woah, I never expected Scoups to be this cute while smiling.", Yedong commented.
"Will you shut-", Seungcheol stopped. "I shouldn't-"
"Yeah... you shouldn't, great that you stopped.", Jiwon narrowed her eyes.
The type one vampire gulped, being unsure of what to ask. You were about to laugh seeing him lost.
"Wh-What... should I do to make you forgive me...?", he asked and Seventeen slapped their foreheads while Yedong laughed.
"You're useless.", Jeonghan said.

You laughed as well and asked for his phone. He forwarded it to you and you opened the notes and typed,
"Tiffany double row knot set, diesel crop tops, graff (ofcourse), matching couple rings (your choice), jacquemus bag, any handbag (I'll judge you), my perfume just finished, swarovski swan bracelet, I think I want Boucheron too, BALMAIN, I am fucking starving 😊 (I want something like sushi and chicken), my coffee order, icecream, flowers... yeah!"

"Is he your boyfriend or sugardaddy?", Yedong questioned. Seungcheol rolled his eyes.
"Both.", you whispered.
"Is this it? Anything more...?", Seungcheol asked.
You shook your head and pouted. He smiled, kissing the pout away.
"I'll get these for you, then? And return back. Am I allowed?", he asked. You nodded and he smiled before walking out. Seventeen walked out.

"Uh...", you inhaled some air.
"Umh! UMH! Don't speak!", Tzuyu gave you her phone again and you laughed.
"I was asking if you know about oppas, appa?", you typed.
"Yeah... what happened to them...? I-I found out they passed away... due to a mission?!", Yedong said.
"Noone came back...", Nagyung said.
"Umhm... I couldn't find out about them at anything...", the father said. "My sons...", he wiped his tears.
You smiled, caressing his hand.

"Kissie! KissiE! I SAID KISSIE!", Sana screamed, cupping Jihyo's face.
"Get the fuck away from me!", Jihyo was pushing her away.
"See.", Yeri looked into Dahyun's eyes.
"Uh-huh- I am uncomfortable with the proximity-", the older spoke.
"I'll drill your fucking intestines if you let another needle touch your skin, do you get that?!", Jiwon threatened, caging Chaeyoung between her.
"Y-Yeah... got it...", the younger said.
"Oe, pretty lady!", Saerom called, Mina ignored her. "OE!"
"Lady- uhhh-", Mina said when the elder pulled her closer.
"Don't fuck with me-", Suji spoke, pushing Nagyung away.
"Oh I fuck with my boyfriend, not you, but we can make out.", she said, sitting on the other's lap.
"I need a gay too-", Tzuyu said and Miaoyi clung onto her.
"I am there, tall ass.", she said.

"H-", Seventeen entered inside and paused for a while seeing everyone sticking to eachother. "H-Hi...?"
"OH HI!", you said and coughed.
"YAHHH! I TOLD YOU NOT TO SPEAK.", Tzuyu shouted caressing your back.
"N-No... I'm fine-", you whispered and she side-eyed you.

Seventeen walked inside and gave the flowers they brought to their ladies.

Seventeen walked inside and gave the flowers they brought to their ladies

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They also gave the ladies food since they hadn't eaten since the morning. Seungcheol sat down beside you while Yedong got up.
"Appa... did you eat?", Tzuyu asked.
"I'm actually fasting for blood test.", he replied.
"How many hours passed?", Jihyo asked.
"Like 10."

"Baby, please? One more

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"Baby, please? One more...?", Seungcheol insisted. You turned towards the other side when he brought another piece infront of your mouth. "Yn, this is all you ate...?! Two pieces of chicken and three pieces of sushi..."
You showed the icecream and coffee.
"Those are unhealthy, eat this sushi, sweetheart, comeon!", he said.
"Will you eat a few from appa's hand?", Yedong asked. You stared at him with your doe eyes shiny.
Seungcheol sighed and gave the chopsticks and food to the father. Meanwhile, the rest of the girls cleared their throats. The old man laughed when his daughters wanted him to feed them as well.
Seventeen had decided to just ignore Yedong's entire existence. They couldn't really speak anything since he wasn't the one who started everything, it was their parents... the mafias loved the agents too much, even when they knew they were the daughters of the murderers of their parents but the situation was vice versa. If the ladies decided to stay with them, so who even were the lads?

"I wanna go home.", you spoke.
"Okay, first take this!", Suji gave you two pills.
"What are these...?", you asked upon noticing them familiar.
"Just... normal painkillers."
"I am a doctor as well. What are these, Suji-ah?"
"Unnie... please-", she suddenly cried. You looked at her, dumbstruck and even Sana and Yeri were crying.
"Wait- why the hell are you crying? Suji, what are these?", you questioned. "What happened?!"
"Unnie... have those... please!", Yeri said.
"O-Okay! Okay!", you gulped the two pills down and ewed the taste. "Should we go home...?", you asked.
"If you want.", Seungcheol said.
"Take care!", Yedong said.
"Won't you come- oh, you can't!"
"Yeah...!", the father smiled.

And everyone got up. Seungcheol kissed your head before picking you up.
"Did you give me... paracetamol?", you asked, trying to open your eyes, refusing sleep.
"Y-Yeah...", Sana said.
"Sleep, I'll take you home.", Seungcheol said and you smiled.

"They look like they've been married for years.", Yedong whispered in Dahyun's ear.
"I know, right?", she nodded. "They're like our eomma appa."
"Eldest couple is something like that."

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