XII. Interactions.

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"Boys!", you called, the remaining guys in the hall looked at you. "Come, the table is set!"
And they walked towards the dining hall.


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"Wow... this mansion is so well-planned?", Jihoon expesssed.
"Eomma wanted to design something old money aesthetic for herself. So she designed this dining hall.", Yeri explained.
"She said you're gonna get married so where will you feed your husbands? And she placed 26 seats over here.", Jihyo added. "Unnie~~", and she teased you.
"Serve!", you ordered, being done.
Sana walked to Wonwoo.
"AHRM...", and the girls cleared their throats.
"Consult Tzuyu for throat problems, not me!", she spoke, turning red and Wonwoo was of the same shade.
"Cute.", you chuckled.
"Enough- baby, enough-", Seungcheol said.
"What do you mean enough? You must eat a lot according to your buffiness?", you questioned.
"He does.", Hansol said.
"You do too.", Dahyun said.
"This whipped man...", Jisoo tsked.
"Whipped cream?", Mina asked. "You want whipped cream on muffins?"
"No- no, I wasn't saying that."
"How many cookies do you want?", Jihyo asked.
"Only one... I'll be full.", Seokmin replied.
"Ehh, don't be shy!"
"I'm not-"
"These are baked, so your heart is all safe. Don't worry!", she said placing two cookies on Seokmin's plate.
"Isn't this too much for me?", Jun asked.
"It isn't.", Tzuyu replied, adding more.
"I think this is enough, Tzuyu."
"I think it's not..."
"Two muffins, okay?", Chaeyoung asked.
"O-Okay... I wonder if I'll be able to finish all these tho.", Soonyoung chuckled nervously.
"If a man with a body like yours says he can't finish this much of food, it means you have less appetite and it's unhealthy, better get a gastroscopy to see what's bothering your hunger."
"I-I'll better eat all these."
"Are your kidneys okay?", Nagyung asked.
"I can't really contact them so I don't know...", Chan's reply made her snicker.
"Let's pour you two glasses!"
"Sure... since you can contact my kidneys!", she laughed at his statement.
"How much juice?", Jeonghan asked when Saerom poured the lemonade in a huge glass.
"Lemon juice is a goddess for blood. It helps in good flow and cleans the blood. And also the spinach and lettuce in the food. That's why!", she answered.
"Wow... so you want my blood to be clean?"
"Yes! I want everyone's blood to be clean."
"Wow... very kind!"
"So lemon juice is good for everything?", Seungkwan asked.
"Yeah! Vitamin C is really good for skin, not when you directly apply the lemon on your skin, hell no, the citric acid is horrible but if you intake it, yes!", Jiwon explained.
"I see... I take good care of my skin."
"As you should, your cheeks are round and cute."
"Thanks...", Seungkwan blushed.
"I'm not an Andrologist, so am gonna speak nothing.", Suji said.
"What's that?", Mingyu asked.
"A doctor for male reproductive organs."
"Oh- oh shucks!", Suji laughed at Mingyu's words.
"What do you do?", Minghao asked.
"I make people unconscious.", Miaoyi replied.
"Huh?", she laughed at Minghao's shocked expression.
"I evaluate, monitor, and supervise patient care before, during, and after surgery, delivering anesthesia, leading the Anesthesia Care Team, and ensuring optimal patient safety. To a doctor, I'm like how an architect is to an engineer.", she explained.
"Oh that's some noble doctory."
"Well. Yeah!"
"Why didn't my bones develop?", Jihoon asked.
"So you can be tiny, smol and cute.", Yeri replied, it made Jihoon flustered.
"Well... thanks if that was a compliment."
"It was... I'm still shorter than you. So chill! The orthopedic's bones aren't developed either.", both of them laughed.

And the ladies sat down to eat as well. They were having random talks in between, Soonyoung, Seungkwan and Seokmin cracking jokes in between, so were Jiwon, Nagyung and Dahyun. The elders asking the youngers to be careful while laughing so they don't choke. All teasing you and Seungcheol in between and both of you just being shy. Some people from both sides stealing glances at eachother, some in tension, some chill, some developing feelings, some adoring... and many things going on.

"Noona, you're amazing.", Mingyu said.
"Suji helped me too.", you replied.
"EHHH, NOONA~", he whined making you laugh.
"You didn't lie when you said you cook good.", Seungkwan said.
"Thanks... Myungho, I've not heard you speak."
Minghao sighed.
"The food was too good, noona."
"Ahhh, I had forgotten your voice.", everyone laughed.
"Why?", he asked.
"You don't talk much so."
"Oh! I'll try to talk more."
"Where is Maz?", Sana asked.
"She was outside, probably cleaning the villa.", Yeri replied.
"Are we all done?", Jihyo asked. And everyone nodded. "Maids can take the dishes."

After a while... 9:50 p.m.

"Maz, can you guide them to their rooms?", Jihyo asked.
"Yeah, sure!... Sirs?", the butler bowed.
"Where is hyung?", Chan asked.
"Where do you think he even is?", Hansol countered.
"Okay, yeah!"
Everyone laughed.

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