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It was almost night. You were feeling extremely off and were sitting in yours and Seungcheol's shared bedroom. He hadn't arrived yet. You had the sonographs in your hand and tears in your eyes.
'I need my baby... I need him...'- you were completely blank that moment. It had been just a while since you wokeup as your brothers carried you home.


Seungcheol was getting stressed upon hearing your thoughts. You didn't pick his calls either.

 You didn't pick his calls either

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Seungcheol got up.

He noticed you passed out again and weren't breathing properly

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He noticed you passed out again and weren't breathing properly. The mafia ran outside, everyone was busy, they had lotta work that day since Seungcheol resumed after a while.

"What's up, son-in-law?", Yedong picked up.
"Appa, are you home?", Seungcheol asked, getting inside his car.
"Yeah, why?"
"Yn is not being able to breathe. Check on her, please! I might get caught in traffic.", he said.
"What?!", Yedong exclaimed. "He's saying Yn's not breathing."
"HUH?!", Jimin got up and teleported upstairs while others were outside.
"Be quick, please-"
"What's happening?", Seungcheol asked.
"I-I don't know... you come soon. I'll hang up.", Yedong said. Seungcheol hung up and focused on driving.

"Oh no no no!", he cursed, seeing the rally of vehicles infront.
But he wasn't Scoups for no reason. The traffic police was immediately notified about the presence of a Chaebol since they noticed the car's number plate. The police signalled all the cars to be driven parted two ways, keeping space in between. Seungcheol accelerated the speed and passed the traffic as the police saluted him.
Within no time, he reached the mansion and ran inside, not even bothering to turn the car off or close the door.

"YN?", Seungcheol called, opening both of yours room's door, huffing and panting.
Everyone looked at him.
"I-Is she okay?", he asked.
"H-How did you know she wasn't breathing?", Jimin asked.
"I-I can hear her th-thoughts... what happened? How-?"
"Her pressure fell down... quite low.", Jungkook said.
"Gosh- why does it keep happening?"
"Sit down, don't worry, she's fine.", Yooshik tapped the seat beside him. Seungcheol sat down, not taking his fear dripped eyes off you who was asleep.
"Do you know why this happened?", Dahyun asked.
"No, she heard something and was dwelling over that and I texted her asking what's wrong and she said she couldn't breathe and fainted.", he explained.
"Sh-She heard? Heard what?", Chaeng asked.
"I don't know."
"Uh. Both husband and wife should be deaf at this point.", Jihyo rolled her eyes.
"Was this serious?", Seungcheol asked.
"No. Because she's pregnant, this is gonna keep happening. A bit low than what it should've been.", Nagyung said.

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