LXXVII. You're wild.

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10:10 p.m.

Seungcheol entered inside both of yours bedroom. You were blow drying your hair after taking a bath. He leaned against the door and watched his mate for a while till you turned towards him and raised your eyebrows.

"What is it, football captain?", you asked, applying moisturizer on your face.
"Nothing, cheerleader...!", he walked towards you and backhugged you, sniffing your neck.
"You smell so good...", he complimented and turned you towards him, pulling you closer.
"I love you.", you said, pulling him into a kiss.
"I love you more."
"I love you the most."
"I love you the mostest."
Both of you laughed.
"I love you infinity."
"I love you more than that!"
"Let me win!", you whined.
"You already won me, baby.", Seungcheol smiled. You chuckled and connected lips again. He kissed the mark on your neck before pulling out.
"Should we sleep?", you asked.
"If you're tired.", he said.
"Do you have any work?"
"Well... might be a bit.", he pointed at his table. "Just... signing and sorting those files."
"Oh...! I'll accompany you."
"You can sleep, love, you're tired, hm? I'll be fine.", he assured, you nodded. Seungcheol picked you up and placed you on the bed, tucking you in and placed a kiss on your belly before covering it with a duvet. "Good Night...! Sleep well!"
You smiled, dozzing off as he kissed your forehead and watched you till you fell asleep. Seungcheol got up and sat on his table, turning the table lamp on and the lights of the room off knowing you couldn't sleep well if lights are on.

After half an hour, someone knocked the door, the vampire opened it. Suji and Mingyu were standing there.
"Is unnie asleep?", Suji asked.
"Yeah...!", Seungcheol pointed.
"I was here to say that. If anything- if she complains about anything, just wake me up, okay?", she asked. He nodded. "Knock our door or call us! Don't hesitate, okay, oppa?"
"Alright!", Seungcheol nodded.
"Hmhm... take care! Good Night- and uh, she might wakeup midnight, hungry, take care of that.", Suji said.
"Hm. Don't worry! I will. Good Night!"

4:04 a.m.

You stretched your body as your sleep broke. Seungcheol was sound asleep beside you. You sighed and got up and went downstairs.

"Hey, baby Tzu?", you called upon seeing Tzuyu and Chaewon infront of the fridge. "Oh Wonwon too? Wow- unnie too?", Nayeon was sitting on the table.
"Omg, why are you up? You need to rest.", Nayeon said. Tzuyu made you sit and kissed your lips.
"Umh... is that chocolate and cookies cream ice-cream?", you asked. She laughed and nodded. "I was hungry so..."
"I'll cook something for you, wait.", Nayeon got up.
"Oh unnie, you don't need to. I'll eat something here-"
"Those aren't so healthy. I'll just make you a tofu dish that I know. See...! I found Tofu in the fridge."
"Alright then?", you smiled.
"I'll make orange juice? There are oranges.", Chaewon asked.
"What do I do?", Tzuyu looked around.
"Accompany her.", Nayeon said and all of you silently laughed.
Tzuyu sat down and pulled you on her lap.
"Husbun?", you said. She winked making both of you laugh. "I missed you, little Yoda.", you pecked her cheeks.
And a male voice coughed. Everyone saw Jun.
"I didn't know you had side business of a daddy, baby?", he asked, sitting beside you and Tzuyu. The ladies cackled silently. "IS THAT KIMCHI JIGAE?!", he whisper yelled. Nayeon nodded.
"You love this, don't you?", she asked.

And someone sneezed, all of you got startled.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that-", Seungcheol smiled sheepishly, walking inside, all of you laughed. "I want to eat that too."
"Okay!", Nayeon said.
And the eldest side-eyed Tzuyu. You laughed.
"My daddy before you, babe.", you said. He coughed and sat down on Jun's lap. Jun didn't speak anything rather hugged Seungcheol closer.
"Why were y'all awake?", you asked.
"We're vampires, sleep isn't our thing but we still sleep for some reason.", Nayeon replied.
"Oh yeah...!"
"Why are witches awake tho?", Seungcheol asked.
"I was hungry.", you said.
"Me too...", Tzuyu added.
"It's time for you to wakeup as well.", you said and they laughed.

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