LV. Our Queen.

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"Well, hi!"

All of you greeted. The two lads and two ladies flinched upon hearing a familiar voice.

"H-Highness! Majesty! Princess, Prince!", the kneeled down, bowing.
All of you sat down.
"You all were wanting to talk about something?", Seungcheol spoke.

The two couples looked at eachother and nodded.
"Uh... I'm Kian... and this is my mate- Sia, this my sister- Alyssa and this is her mate and Sia's brother- Alis. Uh... and me and my sister are vampires and my mate and her brother are vampires."

All of you widened eyes and looked at them.
"Since when?", Dahyun asked.
"I-It's been a few years-"
"Then why the heck didn't you tell us in the queendom?", the princess questioned again.
"W-We beg for your forgiveness.", a female said.
"It's okay... why didn't you inform anyone tho?", you asked.
"Highness... you're here after all that. Imagine what would've happened to us."
"Hm...", all of you nodded in understanding.
"True that... so... shift here. What else have you thought?", Seungcheol said.
"Majesty... I know you won't be wrong but... this isn't a solution. We're noone, majesty. There are many other couples of vampires and witches. They're not here today because of the incident in the queendom. Highness, you need to come back. We're requesting you, highness.", they said.

You blinked your eyes and chuckled.
"I'm not your highness anymore-"

"No! No, highness! You're still wearing the empress' sapphire, you're still our queen."
You looked at your neck, the sapphire necklace sparkled.

"You looked at your neck, the sapphire necklace sparkled

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"Baby... my baby princess, my brave daughter... you will take care of the queendom, won't you?", Hyunju asked.

"Eo-Eomma... p-please... what- what do you mean? You're supposed to do that. Eomma... d-don't say so...", you cried out.

The mother chuckled, "My little girl, eomma... won't be able to make it out alive from this disease, my baby. Take care of the queendom, my sweetie."

"Eo-Eomma... NO! Where will you go? I-I won't let you go anywhere...-"

"Shh... shh! Be strong, baby! You have fifteen kids to take care of-"


"I'll be watching you from afar, munchkin. And also there are four soldiers always keeping an eye on you.", Hyunju took off the necklace she was wearing and took your hand with hers trembling ones and spoke, "This... necklace, baby! A-Always wear it when you're in the queendom. A-And find a good mate, take care of your sisters, they believe you more than me and also... Mimi, Tae and Koo..."

"Eo-Eomma...!", you sobbed, feeling weak as fuck when the old lady tied the necklace around your neck. Your mother was definitely dying after a few days and you could do absolutely nothing.

"Shh...! Let's spend my last few days together, hm?", she smiled, stroking your hair.

Your eyes filled with tears and so did Dahyun's. Seungcheol and Hansol looked at both of you, caressing their mates' hands.
You sighed and proceeded to take off your necklace.

"HIGHNESS! HIGHNESS, NO, PLEASE!", the ladies almost screamed, joining hands.
"Th-There are hundreds of dead witches and wizards waiting for you to revive them, highness."
"And-And also us... there are so many other couples who need your help right now. Y-You know... you know, father scolded us, making everyone feeling guilty to let you go."

"Seriously?", Dahyun asked. "Father appeared infront of the people?"

"Yes! Yes!", the witch and wizard siblings explained whatever the guardian of the Spell Castle spoke to them.
"E-Even though you take your necklace off, you'll still remain our queen because it's your blood. A-All the princesses... everyone."

You looked at Seungcheol who nodded.
"Will you assure me that your people will treat Yn and all the princesses like how they deserve?", the eldest asked.

The witch and wizard nodded.
"W-We assure you, majesty."

"Wh-What should I do?", you asked, caressing your neckpiece.
"I think you should atleast revive the people first... what do you say, unnie? And... then decide.", Dahyun suggested.
"Are you sure?"

"Hi-Highness, you know we decay fast... the bodies might rot."
"Fine then! Let's-"

"UNNIE- YA!", someone screamed making all of you startled.
"This satan-"
"Unnie-ya! Why did you leave me alone? Who are they?", Tzuyu questioned.
Everyone else arrived as well.
"Let's walk and I'll explain.", you said pulling the youngest's hand.

"Oh... so we can be mates. It's not only us.", Soonyoung said.

And all of you reached the queendom within no time, taking a shortcut that the vampires knew from the forest.

People were just holding watching the corpses of their beloved ones, not even a blink of sleep in their swollen, painful eyes.
"HIGHNESS!", one voice shouted.
Everyone looked at you with expectant eyes and started crying. An old witch came crawling to you, you kneeled down to her level and the citizens kneeled down as well.
"H-Highness... I-I can't walk... I had my son and husband taking care of me and carrying me everywhere. Th-They're there...", she pointed. "Wrapped up in white cloth..."
You nodded.
"Don't worry... yeah?", you smiled.
The witches and wizards around smiled as well.

You walked towards the white clothes and placed your hand on the bodies, they started moving within no time. Everyone cheered in joy when you gradually revived all the innocent deaths caused by the attackers.

"P-Please sit down!", a few women placed chairs behind Seventeen and the princesses.
They thanked them and watched you revive people from dead.

The whole queendom cheered and burst in cries of happiness when their beloved ones wokeup.

You looked tired.
"Carry her, oppa, go!", Dahyun pushed Seungcheol and he ran to you and held you when you lost balance.
"Agh! I'm tired... I'm sleepy... I wanna... sleep...", you were dozzing off.
"Umhm. Let's go sleep, yeah?", he picked you up and walked towards your treehouse.

The people looked at their queen and internally thanked her since you fell asleep. They smiled.

"Oh our highness! We love you."

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