CII. Huh?

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Seungcheol just watched you lying dead. Your family were all unconscious while the vampires were too numb to speak anything and just tried to get their partners back to consciousness.
Seulgi and Yoojung were about to go breatheless, crying and their partners were trying to console them as well while the kids were just standing there, bewildered and scared.

"Can you not revive her back?", Seulgi asked. Seungcheol snapped out of thoughts.
"She can revive you back so o-ofcourse you can too, oppa...", Yoojung said.
Seungcheol wasn't sure if he could revive you back because he has never practiced or used his powers of revival. He didn't even know how to activate them and noone except him and you possessed it either.
Seungcheol placed his hand on your chest.

'Please... Yn, love wakeup...! My mate, wakeup! Don't leave me! Don't leave me feeling this pathetic and wanting to end my life right here. Are you not gonna be a good mother? Are you gonna leave your baby, our previous child like this? I don't even know what I should do right now. I am lost. Yn! My life, my soul, my heart, my everything, my love! Don't torture me this way... wakeup, open your eyes! Take me out of this torment! What is this poor child gonna do? How am I gonna raise her? Come back to life! Please... moon goddess! How can you be so selfish? How can you make this beautiful creation and then make all of our lives rely on her and then take her away leaving all of us in misery? I repented so much... why do you have to make me and my mate suffer for my father's deeds? Please... please, if you think I've did any good deeds... just bring her back. Anything... take my life but bring her back! I can't see her in this condition.'

Seungcheol prayed and only prayed but nothing happened. He lost his only source of strength, he lost his life, he lost his sunshine, his hope, his future, his wife, his mate, the love of his life, the one who he always loved and cherished. Man fell down on his knees, breaking into tears this time when he didn't feel your heartbeat while trying to get you back to life.
He cried for quite a while till your brother wokeup.
"A-Are you okay...?", Nayeon asked.
"W-Was that a dream? I-Is my princess okay?", Seokjin got up and looked at you. You had no movement and were the same colorless and lifeless.
He burst into tears, grabbing your cold hand and looked at his pale brothers.
"M-Make them sleep...!", he said, snapping his fingers and the six wizards disappeared. "Go...!"
The ladies walked out and Nayeon took kids with her glancing at her mate with red teary eyes.
"Wh-What happened to aunty...?", Yunsoo asked.
"Sh-She's asleep...", Nayeon said. "Come... Soobin, Sunghoon!"
"Mumma...", Sunghoon called. Seulgi wasn't in her senses and was continuously crying. "Mum... maa! Papa...?"
Your bestfriends got up and walked to you. They watched you and let out a few sobs before kissing your forehead and walked out not being able to speak anything.
"What happened, mumma?", Sunghoon asked, poking her cheeks and wiping his mother's tears.

"I'm sorry for leaving you...", Seokjin said. "Yn-ah... I apologized before... b-but... I'm still sorry...!", he said. "I'm sorry, my baby...! Sorry...!"
He sobbed.
And the vampires walked in. Soonyoung caressed Seungcheol's back. They could figure out what he must be feeling. Mingyu picked the infant up from her crib.
"Hey, baby...! Mingyu uncle!", he said. Everyone took a look at the child with a forced smile and then at you. Jeonghan and Jisoo caressed your head. They lost their younger sister who was elder to them somehow. Everyone wiped their tears. They felt like they lost a mother.
"Noona...!", Jun called. "Thanks for everything...!"
Seungcheol sobbed. They hugged the eldest.
"A-Are the girls okay?", Seokjin asked.
"Th-The healers say they won't wakeup soon...", Seokmin said. "Th-They say... they're in coma."
And everyone sobbed again.

Seungcheol wasn't even in any condition to be able to say something. He wasn't even crying. He was numb and deadened, continuously staring at you.
"H-Hyung... what name have you thought for baby?", Minghao asked to distract him.
"Y-Yena...", Seungcheol replied.
And they trembled and cried again.
"Hi... baby Yena...!", Wonwoo stuttered.
The child was sound asleep. They kept her back inside the crib.
"Boys, let's go out...", Seokjin sniffled, getting up. "W-We need to inform the people."
They gave a worried teary eyed look to Seungcheol and walked out.
He was now alone with the corpse of his mate. He sniffled and let go your hand which had a bruise because of his strong hold and took Yena out of the crib.

"What do I do now?", he questioned your lifeless body. "I'm useless... I-I failed as a mate...! I failed you, Yn. I'm sorry...", he cried out. "I could never do any good for you..."

"What the fuck are you talking about?", a voice questioned.
Seungcheol looked towards you.
You opened one of your eyes and looked at him.
"What do you mean you failed me and you're useless? I'm gonna bury you alive if you say that again-"

Seungcheol stared at you, mouth hung open.
"A-Are... you awake... I'm-I'm probably imagining b-but it feels real...", he sniffled. "S-See our baby...!"
"Choi Seungcheol, I fucking pushed this powerful-ah child out of my vagina and you're here crying over nothing instead of getting me food- I am so hungry, I could eat the world.", you ranted.
Seungcheol carefully looked at you, the blood on your body had vanished and you looked normal.
"Y-Yn...!", he got up. "H-How- what- HYUNG! SEOKJIN HYUNG!"
He ran outside.
"Careful, you're holding a child-", you shouted. "What the f- did I die and he revived me back? Oh probably...!"

"IS HIGHNESS OKAY, PRINCE?", the people questioned, the weather of the place looked like a calamity. They had worn raincoats and umbrellas and gathered infront of the palace to know about your condition.
Seokjin sniffled and wiped his tears. Nayeon grabbed his hand.

"She's no-"
"HYUNG! SEOKJIN HYUNG!", Seungcheol shouted and panted. "Yn- Yn...! I-Is awake-"
And suddenly the weather of the place turned back to normal within no time.
"Oh wow...", the witches and wizards breathe out in relief as well and focused back on the royal who wasn't there anymore. "Eh? Where did prince go?"

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