XVI. Her Brothers. His sisters.

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5:30 a.m.

The next morning, you groaned when your phone buzzed and also due to intense heat.
And the heat was because of the male who was all over you, his head on your chest, hand on stomach and legs entangled.

"Goddamnit!", you huffed upon realizing the vibration was the alarm that you forgot to turn off.
Seungcheol moved in sleep, taking a deep breathe and stretching.
You caressed his head with a smile and slowly slipped out of his hold, placing pillows below his head and hand and legs. After grabbing a hairtie and brushing teeth, you walked downstairs since you had taken a bath midnight.

"Good Morning, Yn! You wokeup early today?", Maz greeted.
"Yeah... I forgot to turn the alarm off and you know my habit, I can't fall asleep once I'm awake at summer mornings. So, here I am. Let's do a thing, let's make breakfast, what say?", you asked.
"Umhm... sure! What should we make?"
"Let's make Carbonara?", you suggested.
"Not questioning but I feel you should ask Seungcheol sir if they prefer it or not.", Maz expressed.
"I would've but he's sound asleep, I don't wanna disturb him-", you looked towards a direction. "Good Morning!"

Jun and Seungkwan walked in.

"Good Morning, noona!", they wished, clinging onto eachother.
"Aw... are you both early birds?", you asked.
"He just woke me up and I wokeup as well... others won't wakeup before two hours, don't worry.", Seungkwan said.
"I see...", you nodded. "Be a mother to them, please?", a thought striked your mind. "Um... do you maybe want a morning hug?"
"Yeah! Why not?", they opened their arms and you smiled before going in between and giving them a hug.
Seungkwan and Jun smiled.
"Thanks, noona!"

"Ahh, don't thank me! Now tell me what do you want for breakfast?", you asked.
"Anything would work."
"Don't hesistate! Tell noona, what do you want to eat?"
"You can just make coffee...", Jun said.
"What type of?"
The males laughed.
"Noona... you don't need to be so specific or worry about those, you can give us normal coffee.", Jun said.
"But you all may-"
"Do a thing! Make juice if you're okay. Like we had lemonade, let's have fruit juice. Sounds healthy?", Seungkwan suggested.
"GOOD! I like how you're health conscious. So I'll make pasta to go with it then?", you asked and their eyes shined.
"Wow! You all really need to be understood. Sheesh!"
They just grinned.
"By the way... looking good...", you teased.
"Jiwon and Tzuyu's clothes. Nice! Oh hello... good morning!", you greeted when Soonyoung came up as well.
"Good Morning!", he said.
"Noona, he's a person who'd want hugs daily.", Seungkwan said.
"Oh... is it?", they nodded and you gave Soonyoung a warm hug as well.
"The girls really became very considering and gave you all their clothes. Hm... well!", you said.
"Are you perhaps teasing us?"
"Yeah... you all remind me of our brothers.", you said.
"Wait- you had brothers?", they asked.
"Umhm... Four elders... and three youngers."
"Wait, wait, what?", Seokmin entered in as well.
"Good Morning!", you wished.
"Good Morning!"
"Give noona a hug!", Soonyoung said and you chuckled when Seokmin stared at you with his doe eyes.
"I wanna know the story too...", he said after parting away.
"Alright, sit on those chairs then-", and Jisoo walked in as well. "Oh... good morning!"
"Good Morning! Two ghosts were whispering MiNaAaA~~ yesterday night?", he questioned. You laughed.
"Seungcheol said you weren't talking much like you do... and we came into the conclusion that it's because you are shy around Mina."
"Ahh... I thought that she attracted me so much that I'm hearing her name even in dreams...", the boys cleared their throats.
"Okay...", you nodded.
"Noona... now start!", Seokmin said.
"So... well... yeah, we had seven brothers as well, four elder than me and three youngers. And we lost them too... uhm... so I was saying y'all reminded us of them."
"Oh...", they said, feeling bad.
"We're sorry-"
"No, don't be! It's not your fault. Come, take these glasses of water!", you said, placing glasses of water on the counter and they nodded.
"Did you tell hyung about this?", Jisoo asked.
"Yeah... last night, Dahyun unconsciously pointed it out. Seokmin like Hoseok oppa... Shua like Yeri's brother, my cousin, Taehyungie. Weird... feels like they got a rebirth.", you chuckled.

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