CV. Baby.

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All of you returned back to human world after a few days.
"Shh! Shh...!", Seungcheol sushed Yena because the child was continuously crying. "Yn... why is she crying?"
You laughed at his stressed face.
"Because she just got vaccinated?", you replied.
"Shh...! Shh!", the father walked around the room. You watched them in awe and so much love filled in your eyes.
"I think I want one more child.", you said.
Seungcheol gave you a terrified look.
"I'm-I'm good. No thanks! I'm all good with Yena.", he said, severely side-eyeing you. You laughed.
"Okay! Okay! It's time to feed her, give me?", you sat down as he placed Yena on your arms. "Hey baby... why is baby crying? Baby will be all fine after eomma's milk.", you said and she actually stopped crying after suckling milk for a few minutes.
"Phew...!", Seungcheol sighed.


"Oil? You want mumma to put oil on you, hum?", you asked, rubbing baby oil on your hand and slowly applying it on the baby's legs.
"Ehehe!", she suddenly giggled.
You and Seungcheol gave eachother happy, surprised looks.
"Haha... baby laughed?", he kissed her cheeks. "Why is littlelove smiley, hm?"
She looked at Seungcheol and giggled more. Both of you laughed endearingly.
She grabbed Seungcheol's finger.
"Yah! Dork!", you pushed him upon noticing his teary eyes.
"My baby...!", he sniffled. "I'll do it. You rest.", he placed you beside and did the massaging himself. You chuckled.


"EHEHEHE!", the baby was continuously giggling and smiling as Seungcheol kept teasing her. She opened and shut her hands as response.
"Aha~ oh... time to change baby's diaper? Eomma is asleep, appa will do it, hm?", he got up and walked towards the bathroom and returned back shortly after.
"Heh~", Yena was playing with her fingers and Seungcheol kissed your forehead and got back to seeing his daughter.
"Eomma... is asleep...", he whispered. Yena looked at you for a while and giggled looking at Seungcheol again. He laughed.


"Hmm...!", the baby grabbed a toy.
"This...?", Seungcheol asked. "Or this? See, what is this?"
Yena didn't speak anything, she wanted the teddy.
"Oh Teddy!"
You laughed, "I'm raising two vampires."
Seungcheol laughed as well.
"Weehhhh~", the baby stick her tongue out making the parents giggle.
Seungcheol stick his tongue out and she followed.

"Hmh...", the baby pushed your breast up while having milk.
"Um? Baby felt uncomfortable, hm?", you asked, holding it and she drank comfortably.
"Where is your appa...?", you called Seungcheol.
"Yes, my love? I'm on my way.", he picked the call up.
"Oh alright! Can you get formula on your way?", you asked.

The baby laughed out loud when Seungcheol moved her toys. He looked at her in amusement.
"Omo, my little princess laughed, hm? Did she laugh?", he carried her and pecked her lips.
"Father daughter! Eating time!", you said, walking inside with a bowl.
The baby cried when you grabbed her.
"My lord, this daddy's princess!", you grabbed your head. "Have this, my love?"
Yena just cried.
"Okay...! Appa will feed baby, hm?", Seungcheol took the bowl and fed the little girl and she ate without complaints or tears. You looked at them, bewildered.
"G-Good for me, I guess?", you said and he laughed.


"Umm... PA!", Yena spoke. Seungcheol almost choked on his food. Everyone in the dining hall looked at her.
"What did you say?", he asked, making her face him.
"P-PA!", she giggled. "PA!"
"Omo... my baby! Pa..! Umhm!", Seungcheol got up and walked around holding her.
"Eat you food, pa!", you said.
"I will.", Seungcheol replied. "Say once again?"
"PA!", the baby kept repeating.
"Omo...!", the father was teary eyed.
Everyone smiled.

"Umm... MA!", Yena spoke again. You and Seungcheol looked at her.
"Did you hear what she said?!", you questioned. Seungcheol nodded. "What did you say, baby?"
"UMMA!", she repeated and you laughed in happiness. "OMO!"

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