XCIX. Trimesters.

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You and Seungcheol had the best times in both of yours entire relationship.


"Ah... babe...", you cried out.
"Shh... shh...! Is it hurting? Do you want a massage?", Seungcheol asked, pressing your chest area slowly. You sniffled and nodded.
He googled something.
"Just a second!", and ran downstairs and returned back with ice packs and placed them on your sore breasts. "Is it fine?"
You slowly nodded.

"I need to pee...", you got up and walked towards the bathroom.
After ten minutes, "I need to pee..."
After twenty minutes, "UHHH! I JUST WENT TO THE BATHROOM, BITCH?!"
Seungcheol flinched and gulped.
"P-Pregnancy... baby!", he reminded and you huffed.
"I wakeup ten times at nights too. Is this kid kidding me?"
The vampire chortled.

"Oh my god, YN! YN...!", Seungcheol almost screamed when you blacked out.
"It's okay. It's okay. Make her sleep, go! Go!", Dahyun said.
And you wokeup after thirty minutes and went downstairs.
"It's fine. Why are you worrying? See! She's awa- EY, YN!", Yedong was consoling Seungcheol when you passed out again and his breathe almost stuck because you were on stairs but thankfully your mate grabbed you with his speed.
"Gosh!", he had a terrified expression.

"My head is blasting-", you closed your eyes. "And so are my fucking intestines."
"Should I get Chaeng?", Seungcheol asked, pressing your head.
"No...! TSSSSKKKK! THIS IS SO ANNOYING-", you rolled around.
"Come here...!", he applied mentholated topical ointment on your head and rubbed it. "Sleep...! Close your eyes, babylove!"

"Woah...", Seungcheol suddenly woahed.
"What happened?", you asked.
"You're glowing, babe and also your cheeks look so red... did you put on something?", he asked, pulling you on his lap, you blushed.
"Umh! It's hormonal symptoms."
"Oh... you look beautiful!", he kissed you.


"Aish!", you grabbed your jaw. "Why is my gum sore now?! Breasts weren't enough?!"
Seungcheol almost choked his food.
"I-I read that happens."
"Oh...! You should work with Suji."
He laughed.
"I am hungry.", you said.
"Okay, love!"

"BABE, COMEON!", you called, both you and Seungcheol were on a jog.
"Why are you so energetic all of a sudden?", he questioned. "I read this too. Second trimester is a good one-"
You cackled.
"Omg! You can be a certified pregnancy counselor-", you said. He chuckled.

"Babe...", you pushed Seungcheol on the bed. "One last sex, please?"
"I read-", he was cut-off by a kiss.
"Get a Ph.D in pregnancy but fuck me, please? I am so needy.", you requested. "Eat me out?"
"Fine! Climb up!", he said. You chuckled.

"F-Fuck- did I go too rough?", he asked.
"No...!", you panted. "More?"
"I-I think that's enough-"
"No...! One more, please?", you pouted. He nodded, slamming you again.

"I can see our baby.", Seungcheol giggled, backhugging you and looking at the mirror. Your bump was visible. You chuckled.
"Right!", you said and he kissed it.


"Goddamn it!", you cursed.
"Is it hurting?", he asked, rubbing your back and grabbed a baby oil lying by. "Lay down!"
You laid down and he opened your clothes and poured the oil on your skin.
"Pervert!", you smacked his head and he laughed, massaging your legs.
"Boobies grew, I see.", he gave you a satisfied smirk and you side-eyed him.

"Oh my god... stop this sticky thing!", you cried out because your body was aching and breasts continuously making milk, staining your shirt.
"What... can I do about this... UHHH!", Seungcheol was frustrated because he could do nothing about it. "Should I drink it-"
You smacked his head.
"No! That's your child's food, bitch.", you said. He gulped.
"It's not born yet-"

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