LXXVI. Getting back.

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"What does the leader say?", Yoongi asked. Everyone looked at Namjoon.
"It's been a while tho... and also there are kids, do we want to risk?", Namjoon asked.
"There's no risk tho.", you said. "As you can see, I'm chilling."
"Seriously? Do you even remember the amount of things that have happened?", Taehyung asked.
You smirked.
"I made sure they don't bat an eye towards red mafias.", you said. The wizards side-eyed you.
"What did you do, kid?", Seokjin asked.
You looked at Yedong who was side-eyeing you as well.
"This kid single-handedly ruined almost 55% of mafias that existed. S-class, A-class, B-class, C-class, D-Class- everything included.", Yedong said.
Everyone stared at you. Seventeen laughed because they had heard about it.
"And do you know why?", Yooshik asked.
"All of those that had beef with y'all. You know like enmity? Kid lost her mind after that day, you know what I'm talking about."
"No because- y'all refused to take us on that mission. And said it was dangerous and a major one. Out of the 55% that people say I ended, 27 to 30% were already ruined or have quit or went bankrupt or died or became extinct. And Sana found out that they were involved in the same mission, so it had some sorta connection and later Chaeng found out all the others who were involved in it. And... why the fuck were they alive?", you rolled your eyes, gulping the food.

BTS stared at you with a horrified expression.
"Those 27-30% were those nasty assholes who had eyes on y'all. Especially that Black Panther or something, omg that pedo had annoyed the shit outta me.", Jungkook huffed. Everyone stared at him with a terrified look.
"You know what he said?! He said... he said noona was...", Jungkook pouted. "Sexy...!"
You laughed.
"I am sexy, what's wrong in that?!", you questioned.
"How dare he? His son- you know that Duri?!", you choked on your food upon hearing the name.
"YAH!", Seokjin grabbed water and made you drink it.
"H-How do you know?", you asked.
"Gosh, I used to hate him so much.", Seungcheol said.
"Do you know what he did to noona?!", Taehyung asked. You widened your eyes.
"You don't want to take this topic out, do you?", you asked.
"Why? What did he do?", Seungcheol asked.
"UMH!", you laughed.
"He literally- touched her- and pinned her on the wall and the amount of nasty things he said-", Jimin said.
"This is provoking the Agustd out of me.", Yoongi said and your mouth hung open.
"Why didn't you tell this to me?", Seungcheol asked.
"He's dead and why would I like to talk about my dead trauma?", you said.
"Yn, you were fucking sixteen, he was twenty-five.", Yoongi said.
Seventeen gasped.
"That was the starting of JK.", Jungkook said. "First murder at 15."
"EW!", you laughed.
"What else?", Seungkwan asked.
"Honestly the girls joined this mafia thing just five years ago... Yn had been doing this for a while, as soon as she completed 18. That's why most had eyes on her.", Seokjin said.
"Stubborn-ah kid! Told her not to join, didn't listen and we had to bodyguard her all the time!", Namjoon said.
"I was concerned. You had my three preciouses go on dangerous ass missions, don't know if they're even eating and drinking properly, their safety and shits. It's useless to have four of you.", you said.
Your elder brothers clapped and burst out laughing.
"I was wondering why she hadn't said that last line yet.", Hoseok laughed.
Everyone laughed.
"Still bickering like they're five and eight.", Yooshik said. Yedong nodded.

"More?", Seokjin asked.
"Already finished?", you asked.
"Woah... appa, she's eating good.", the elders laughed. "I'll get you something sweet.", he walked towards the dining hall. "Yo, kiddos, what for dessert?"
"YESSS!", they screamed.
"Romase is allergic to chocolate.", Taehyung reminded.
"Oh yeah! What does Romsae want?", the eldest asked.
"Hm... blueberry cheesecake ice-cream.", Saerom replied.

"So should we resume?", Namjoon asked, you nodded. "But we should atleast continue in hospital first?"
"Yeah. Ofcourse!", you said. "What about unnies?"
"With us.", Seungcheol replied. "They're CEOs."
Seokjin returned back.
"WOAAAHHHH!", you screamed. "The Iconic chocolate fudge!"
"Damn, I got it, I'm iconic.", he said, you laughed. "It's hot. Too hot-"

"You're cooking from now on

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"You're cooking from now on.", you said.
"Well... yeah, I understood I have to do that. After the phone call a week ago."

And the ladies returned back after finishing.
"Guess where we're going tomorrow?", Momo said, looking at Jisoo.
"Where?", he asked.
"Shopping SPREE.", Nayeon said. Seungcheol laughed.
"Expenditures are back, 95s.", Jeonghan said and the eldest vampires nodded with a tsk.
"Y'all, go have food.", Jeongyeon said and they nodded and the males got up and walked towards the dining room.

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