XCIV. Childhood bestfriends.

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"Yn-ah, do you wanna have a drink? I swear I've not poisoned it."

Two females walked in, one holding a glass of wine. And other with a straight blank smile.
Kim Yoojung and Kang Seulgi.
You laughed and turned behind, walking away.
"Yn, our little baby~ our maknae~ our hope, pride, lucky charm, sweetheart, babybear~", Yoojung called in a honey dripped voice.
"I'll get diabetes-", you said.
You were continuously walking and she was following you around the hall.
"Oh? And I'll inject fucking insulin inside you, babylove~ maknae~ stop, little baby! Come to your Yoo unnie- she's gonna treat you with candies, promise, they're not poisoned."
"I'll die getting sugar- don't don't this to me-", you laughed. "And who the hell is unnie- aren't you my gay?"

Everyone laughed, including the husbands of the ladies, when you and Yoojung just walked in a circle around Seulgi who was standing in the middle with a done face.
"You didn't bother to fucking contact us- it's been fuckin-", she counted her fingers. "TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, KID!"
"Dayumn! You're old-", you taunted.
"I'm gonna stab you as much as our age gap- three months. Seulgi five times."
You laughed.
"I'm dizzy.", you said, still walking.
"Faint, I'll choke you-"
"I'm tired of baby sitting you two. If you two are left alone- you'll end up stabbing, strangling and poisoning eachother. Be matured- the maknae is thirty-one.", Seulgi scolded.
Both of you stopped and sighed in tiredness.

"Are those- ARE THOSE YO KIDS?!", you shouted seeing two lads, hiding behind their fathers. And you gasped. "HUSBANDS?! Y'ALL GOT MARRIED- didn't invite me?!"
"Where the fuck were you, bitchless person?", Yoojung actually grabbed your neck, you laughed. "You told us to wear white in your wedding so you'd recognize us when we were separating and see- we did. We even cried seeing you- and you-", she shook you.
Everyone laughed.
"There are kids, bitchless people! And you two are trying to kill eachother and cussing like there's no tomorrow- do that on the bed shooo!", Seulgi separated you two.
"On the what-?!", Kang questioned.
"Oh wow, bro-in-laws! Hi!", you forwarded your hand and they shook it. "First time meeting but long history, do they know about us?"
You asked.
"We just told them. Like just now.", Seulgi replied.
"You two didn't invite-", you were cut off.
"Where were you?! You said you were going somewhere far- FAR SO FAR- that we didn't even find any of you.", Yoojung blabbered.
"We came here- there was absolutely noone. Not a single royal inside the palace- not even appa or eomma or Yooshik uncle. Or oppas or any of the girls- nope. And then we find out two days ago that miss maknae is in the human world. And is getting married!", Seulgi ranted.
"Oh wow- oh-", you blinked your eyes.
"AN OH?! AN OH-", Seulgi grabbed Yoojung who almost kicked your butt. "Say thanks that I'm not in my taekwando uniform-"
"You'll stain her wedding gown-", Seulgi said.
You laughed, did nothing except that because they looked funny.
"Do we look funny to you?", Yoojung asked. You nodded.
"Yeah, exactly- OH NO! NO- I WASN'T ANSWERING YOU-", and immediately flipped when she shot daggers at you.
"Here.", Seulgi gave you a candy. "Your favorite candy of the dragon kingdom."


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