LXXXIV. Close.

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"I forgot to tell you about this.", Yedong said as Seungcheol dropped on the floor, his hand rubbing your stomach.
"Wh-What...?", the vampire asked, in a weak voice.
"Your and Yn's child is powerful. So she has to suffer from this type of pain.", the father explained.
"What does that mean?"
"Hyunju used to go through the same pain while giving birth to Yn and so did Yena- Yena's was way worse since you're the most powerful creature. And it's no doubt that your and Yn's child won't be extraordinary. Till the fetus' brain isn't developed, it keeps troubling the mother, because it can't think about what's going on. Till it feels a father's presence, normally, children tend to be more disciplined and silent around their fathers. This is gonna keep happening.", Yedong explained.
Seungcheol sniffled, wiping away his tears.
"For how long?", he asked.
"After it develops a fully functioning brain...", Namjoon said.
"Like... 25 or 26 weeks?", Suji answered.
"We didn't go through such horrible pain tho. This is too bad.", Momo said.
"A-And how does this come u-under control?", Seungcheol asked again.
"There are different ways. Sometimes you just have to assure the mother that everything's fine. Some would automatically stop if they feel their father's presence around, some if you talk to the belly... and in yours case, it seems like it won't stop till you're in contact with Yn's stomach.", Yooshik explained.
Seungcheol watched you, his eyes getting watery. Nayeon rubbed his shoulder saying everything was alright.
"Highness could've been no more if it was a bit late-", the healer spoke. Everyone trembled at his words.
"I-Is there a risk to her life...? B-Because of this pregnancy?", Seungcheol asked.
"Uh... f-forgive me, majesty... b-but highness might lose her life while giving birth-"
Seungcheol grabbed your hand and rested his forehead on it, crying and quivering. Seungwan caressed his head, whispering that you'll be fine.
"Can we go home?", Seungcheol whisper-asked.
"Yeah...", Yedong said and the vampire carefully picked you up and everyone walked out after thanking the healer.

They reached the mansion and everyone was wide awake, waiting for the girls and the few males to arrive.

"They're he- oh my gosh-", everyone got shocked when Seungcheol walked in, carrying you who was covered in blood and Nayeon and Suji walked in, in the same condition.
"What happened? Did y'all get into an accident?", Seokjin asked.
"N-No...", Nayeon whispered, bursting into tears. "I'm-I'm sorry- I couldn't take care of her-"
"Hey, no! Nayeon... what are you saying?"
"I'm sorry...", Momo cried as well. They seemed too disturbed.
"Wh-What happened?", Jungkook asked.
Seungcheol didn't speak anything and just carried you upstairs.
Yedong, Yooshik and Namjoon sat down, stressed as fuck.

"Um...", you slightly moved. Seungcheol looked at you. He was wiping the blood off your body. "Ch-Cheol...?"
"Yn...?", he gently called, caressing your stomach.
"Ba-be...", you looked at him, opening your eyes. The vampire smiled through tears. "Why are you c-crying?"
"Nothing...", he said. Man knew he had to be strong that moment because it'd have affected you. He had to be your support.
"Wh-What happened...? What are you doing?", you asked.
"Cleaning you... do you want a bath?", he asked, you nodded. The older kissed your head and carried you inside the bathroom.
"Did we have sex?", you asked, he denied. "Then...? Why are you cleaning me?"
"You... just fell down and got dirt over yourself.", he replied.
"I fell down?! I-Is the baby okay?", you questioned, checking your stomach.
"Yeah. Yeah, completely fine, heart!", he assured.
"Did I pass out? How did I reach home...? I just remember Suji was shaking me?", you asked.
"Yeah... you kinda passed out because of the shock of falling and we're getting you home just now.", Seungcheol lied. He didn't want to make you feel like a burden since the vampire clearly understood what you'd feel.
"Oh... I got everyone worried.", you pouted.
"No... No, baby. We're relieved that both you and our baby are fine.", he gave a forced smile. Seungcheol wanted to cry.
'Oh... why does he seem like he's about to cry? What happened? Did something bad happen to our baby when I fell? Definitely. He seems sad?'- you thought.
"Are you hungry, baby? I think we should go out for a while to get some fresh air? Like the park?", Seungcheol asked to divert your attention.
"Yeah... sure!", you smiled and he smiled as well.
'Uh- omg- what a fake smile! Does he think I don't notice or what?! Omg, what happened? I need to take a pregnancy test.'- you thought again. Seungcheol gulped, he could hear your thoughts but you could just read his mind without any means.

Seungcheol made you sit on the bed after towel drying you and started searching for clothes. Till then, Yoongi and Hoseok walked in.
"Baby princess?", they called, you hummed.
"Come in!", you said.
They walked in and hugged you.
"Are you feeling fine?", Yoongi asked, you nodded.
"Did I fall on my stomach? It's kinda cramping?", you asked.
"Uh... yeah! But don't worry, the baby's fine.", Hoseok answered with a warm smile.
'Oh so the baby's definitely fine now that Hoba oppa said. He never lies to me.'- you smiled and Seungcheol breathe out in relief.
The vampire walked to you all with your clothes.
"Does baby wanna go out with oppas for a while?", Yoongi asked. You looked at Seungcheol who nodded.
"Give us her clothes!", Hoseok asked. Seungcheol stared at him.
"Y-You're gonna-"
"Oh fuck, I forgot you've a husband now.", Hoseok said and you laughed.
"No it's okay.", you said.
"EH-", Seungcheol gave you questioning eyes. "But yeah fine. If y'all say the same to me, what will I even answer?", he placed your clothes on the bed and walked out. You wheezed at the expression of your brothers.
"What did that kid just say-?!", Yoongi questioned.
"Y'all are mates to his sisters as well.", you reminded.
"Oh yeah!", they realized and all of you laughed.

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