Prologue: 'Dear My Darling Jane'

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"Lies can be so pretty, if you're a fool to actually believe them."

A repeated line I tell myself.

A line from a book I read once in the Hogwart's library.

A reminder that not everyone can have such good things.

Unfortunately for me, I was one of those forsaken people.

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[O Children - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds]

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3rd Year
Mon. 30th August 1993 - 1:58am...

"Lumos Maxima..."

Privet Drive.

A perfectly normal neighborhood; filled with Muggles, deafening silence (most of the time), and the occasional whispers in magical Latin from a young ravenette boy.

More specifically, my brother Harry.

These whispers came from the house numbered: 4.

The house of my Aunty and Uncle, and their son - The Dursley's.

A prison to be more precise.

"Lumos Maxima..."

"Harry." I call to him in a breathy whisper.

Our room being lit by his wand with every occasionally mutter of a spell.

I slept in the darker corner of our room. "Harry!" I call again.


"Stop, I'm trying to get to sleep."

Our room - Shaped like a box - Filled with our wizard clutter from school, our two owls (one white, one brown), my small dark brown cat, and brown Niffler.

All our animals sound asleep in their carrier cages. As tomorrow we'd be making our way to Kings Cross Station in London.


The two of us scattered in our bed sheets, wrapping the soft cotton around our necks. Eyes closed; our breathing evening out - Faking our deep sleep.

Being caught was always our worst nightmares.

"You two better be asleep!" The rough voice, belonging to our uncle, announced from the doorway.

"Vernon, come back to bed!" Petunia called.

I heard Vernon grumbling to himself, his feet shuffling against the carpet of the hallway - Presumably checking us once more before, closing the door tightly behind him, with a loud thud.

I exhale, releasing the breath I was unknowingly holding.

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"Marge wants to come over for dinner tonight. She didn't say what time she'd be arriving at." Vernon told us all. He sat in his usual recliner seat, with his feet up.

He glanced menacingly over his latest newspaper, to me and Harry.

He spoke again, "And you two will be on your best behavior. I will have no foolish magic tricks, or manic flying owls during her arrival."


Me and Harry shared the same puzzled expression.

"So, none at all?" I ask back, a smug smirk on my face.

'Tell Me Pretty Lies,' by moongirlelWhere stories live. Discover now