Chapter 12: 'Beautiful Temptation' (pt.2)

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[Dangerous - Thomas LaRosa]

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Sun. 26th September 1993 - 9:56pm...

His other hand released the light grip it had on my hair, sliding down to rest on the small of my back.

He pulled me closer to him, leaving soft bite marks across my flesh. The scent of his dark cologne and shampoo filling all of my senses.

Mint, sandalwood, patchouli and the smallest hint of a wild rain forest after a storm.

His hand slowly trailed up my bare waist, to the underside of my bra, his fingers tugging lightly at the edge of the thin material.

"Lace?" He mumbled, his attention now moving to the opposite side of my neck.

"Yes..." I swallow, clearing my throat to speak. My heart rate picking up from his continuous of soft kisses and bites. "Yes, it's lace."

"Fuck..." He breaths into my ear heavily, "That's so hot, Jane."

I feel him pull back from me, and I open my eyes.

His pale complexion radiating innocence in the warm light, although his dilated pupils told another story.

He quickly licked his lips, and I beat him to his next action: guiding him into another round of slow kisses by holding onto his jawline.

My fingers caressing his cheek, as he accepts my lips onto his. Both of our eyes fell closed.

Our kisses felt natural, nothing forced or uncomfortable on either end. Just our romantic passion, gradually revealing itself to each other.

He broke our kiss, my breath catching in my throat. I watch him pull his arms back, and lower himself onto the ground in front of me.

His hands running down my body, following after him. Until they rested at the bottom of my skirt.

My hands trail up to hold his shoulders, keeping my eyes on him when his knees reached the floor.

Then, he tied his shoe lace.

That smug grin of his never leaving his face, "What?"

"Nothing," I replied. Trying to keep my voice steady.

Maintaining my composure, and in an attempt to contain my disappointment, I inhale deeply.

He stood up, closing the gap between our faces again. "Expecting something else?"

I shake my head, feeling my cheeks burning up from my lie.

"Thinking of something dirty, are we?"

"Don't act like you didn't think of something else either," I scoffed, playfully rolling my eyes.

He hummed.

Our lips pressed together once more.

"I'm going to give you enough to feel satisfied for now," He mumbled into our kiss. "But enough to make you beg for more."

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