Chapter 11: 'Beautiful Temptation'

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[Art Deco - Lana Del Rey]

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Sun. 26th September 1993 - 8:72pm...

The soft hoots from my owl coming closer to me made me open my eyes.

I lay across the desk in my room. A pile of study books next to me, as well as my Muggle book long forgotten on the floor next to me.

Pansy was out, supposedly hanging about with a Slytherin boy in our year.

I didn't believe the note she had left for me, suspecting she's actually trying to sneak into the Gryffindor or Hufflepuff dormitories.

Then again, when is she not?

I tilt my head towards Evergreen as she flew down from her resting stand, to gentle peck at my hand.

Twirling the silver engraved ring in circles across my desk, I watch Evergreen shuffle towards me.

I pet her, sighing softly. "Yes, I missed you too, Sweetheart."

She hoots again, and I sit up.

Taking the snake ring into my hand, I show it to her. "While you were being treated to a five-star hotel experience at the Malfoy Manor, Sniffles somehow managed to steal one of Draco's rings."

Her head tilts inquisitively, hooting after I spoke. Her head turning towards the dormitory door behind me every so often.

I slump forward in my chair, my chin resting of the palm of my hand. I groan loudly, placing the ring in front of me.

I stare at it for what seemed like ages, before I picked it up and slipped it onto my fingers. I test each one, until my ring finger fits perfectly to size.

I smile, playfully modelling the accessory to my owl. "What do you think? I think Draco's ring suits me quite nicely."

I held my left hand out, the metal shimmering brightly under the candle light next to me.

"It certainly does, Darling."

I jump out of fright, standing up and frantically grabbing my borrowed wand as I spin around.

"Draco!" I yelled, once I spot him leaning against the door frame to my room.

He had that charming smug grin plastered on his face, arms crossed. He clicked his tongue, strolling towards me. "Surprised to see me? I've been standing there for ages."

"Why were you watching me?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked back.

I rolled my eyes, setting my borrowed wand back down on my desk. I attempted to pull his ring off my finger, "I meant to give it back to you earlier."


My hand slipped, making me loose the process I had on pulling his ring off me.

"Having trouble? I would like my property back some time today." He chuckles, watching my struggle.

"It's fine - I've got it."

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