Chapter 61: Slow & Steady

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[Versace on the floor - Bruno Mars]

Sat. 24th December 1994 - 11:20pm...

Closing the bathroom door behind me, my hand firmly pressed the towel against my body to prevent it from slipping off.

Draco lay sprawling across the king sized bed, resting on his elbows. "Well, well... what were you doing in that shower? Traveling the multiverse? Or, performing your new world tour?"

"Washing my hair," I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"I see."

Lately Draco has been getting creative with his sarcastic comments, only to get some type of rise out of me, or a laugh. Sometimes he strived for both, and he succeeded every time.

I walk over to the vanity mirror, watching him in the reflection. He tilts his head backwards. His hips shifting against the mattress as he tries to get comfortable.

His attention moved away from me and to the ceiling, his adam's apple bopping as he swallowed.

Unaware of my eyes on him while I applied moisturiser to my face, his hand roughly palmed himself through his boxers.

"You could just ask me," I start, watching his head snap back in my direction. "Instead of putting on a show for me, although I'm not complaining."

He clicked his tongue, running it across his teeth. His pale complexion now slight flustered, "Hm." His hand didn't move from his lap, "Then join me."

I quickly dash to the curtains and pull them closed over the window. He watched my every move, until I stood by the edge of the bed.

Dropping the towel onto the ground, I notice his breath hitch. Despite how many times we've had sex, or how much he's seen me in full nudity, he still managed to have the same reaction.

And I loved him even more for it.

He scoots forward on the bed, his hands clambering up my body — In a pattern I've grown accustomed to enjoying, perhaps a little too much.

Staring up at me, he ran his tongue up my stomach, his hand gently squeezing my ass.

"Is this going to be my Christmas present?" I ask, running my fingers through his platinum locks.

"Part of it, pretty girl." He kissed my hip bone, "I've got your other present back in my dormitory."

He let me go, moving back to sit against the headboard. He held my hand, making me follow him up the bed.

Quick to discard his only piece of clothing, he forced me down onto his lap. His hand tangling in my curls, to provide some form of grounding while he kissed me deeply.

In all the ways we've positioned ourselves before, this one was new. I've never been on top, and if so, it was only for a brief moment.

Draco naturally loves to take control — And he struggles more so to give it over to someone else.

This time it felt different, as though Draco wanted me to stay on top of him. His rings digging into my hips indicated that perfectly; he wanted me to stay put.

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