Chapter 13: Parchment Paper

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[Cheri Cheri Lady - Modern Talking]

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Mon. 27th September 1993 - 7:35am...

In the morning, I took my usual seat at breakfast.

As I sat, I fixed my hair back into a ponytail. My attention turned to a cheerful Gryffindor girl who invited herself next to me.

"Um... hello?" I ask.

It wasn't unusual for our houses to mix for breakfast, or lunch - But it was a bit strange when a girl you hardly speak to sits next to you.

"How do you know Ron?" Her tone bubbly and loud, "Could you introduce me to him?"

"No? I don't even know your name."

"Right, how silly of me. I'm Lavender Brown." Her giggle sickened me. She placed a hand over mine, and I withdrew it fast. "Not very affectionate, I'll remember that."

She pulled her hands closer to herself, and into own personal-space bubble, thankfully not interrupting mine again. For the time being...

"Why don't you go talk to him yourself? What are you hoping for, some type of whisperer?" I scrunch my nose up.

I can guarantee that she is.

"No, obviously not. I know you're such good friends with him. And, I'm making sure you're just friends with him." She hummed, nodding her head while she spoke.

"Believe me, I have zero interest in dating a ginger." I scoff, motioning to my hair. "I'm a red head myself, that would look very strange."

"Good, good." She smiled widely, clapping her hands together. "You're a lot different than what I expected. Harry speaks so strongly about you, and here you are so..."

I raise my eyebrow, and her voice trails off.

She clears her throat, "You're so funny!" She shrieked with laughter, grabbing my arm to shake it.

My whole body harshly rocks back and forth.

I snatch her arms off me, shoving her away from me. "And you're so fake, now get off me. Grow some balls and talk to Ron yourself, I'm not some bloody 'he said, she said' messenger."

I watch her huff in annoyance, she turned her head sharply. A mop of her hair smacking me across the face when she stood.

"How rude," She said, storming off to sit next to the Patil twins from our year group.

I push around the eggs on my plate, before dipping my toast into the centre of them. I see three people take their spots next to me.

"Morning, Dra-..." My words trail off as I lift my gaze. I blink in confusion to see my brother next to me. Neville and Ginny joined us.

My face hardened, "Hello?"

"We need to ask you a few questions," Ginny began.

"What is this, interrogation day?" I scoff.

"Why is Malfoy always in your dormitory?" My brother asked me, pushing his glasses up his nose bridge.

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