Chapter 32: Accusations From A Professor

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[Breakin' Dishes - Rihanna]

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Wed. 27th October 1993 -  3:49pm...

Being pulled into Professor Dumbledore's office was the least of my worries.

We had to come clean about the whole Sirius Black situation - From the Room Of Requirement, to Lupin's plan. For better, or for worse: that was something Dumbledore thought he was good at hiding.

But the Professors praising my brother and Ron for 'finding' both of the killers? That made my blood boil.

I've never felt so fucking furious in my life.

Not even Professor Lupin got any credit for the ideas he had, his poor plan completely out of the window. And now, too add to this pathetic excuse of a meeting, he has disappeared altogether!

No sign of Lupin whatsoever within the castle. Suspicious? Yes. Disappointing? Most definitely.

Only Merlin knew how much I held back on cursing them all out.

Dumbledore cancelled our upcoming classes, letting the majority of students rest due to such an eventful night - I wish I fell into that category, unfortunately I didn't. And neither did my friends, or my brother.

Standing with my arms crossed, Draco and Theodore next to me; their poses the exact same as my own. Even Professor Snape found his patience growing thin with every sentence Dumbledore spoke.

Beside Harry - Ron, Hermione, Neville, Seamus and Dean. The Weasley twins, too.

And Kage too - Why was he here? Hermione invited him.

"I'm still working on the matter we find ourselves in, and the security within the castle. We know Black found a page from Mr. Longbottom, which had all of the following month's passwords written down onto them." Dumbledore tapped his lanky fingers off his desk. He pushed himself off it, pacing his office. "It appears he wasn't working alone, that animagus you mentioned, Mr. Weasley, Peter Pettigrew is one of his followers."

He paused in front of me, "A curious thing, I find. That the rat which so happened to supposedly interrupt the interaction you had with Black, was Pettigrew himself, Miss. Potter."

My jaw dropped, "Excuse me?"

Draco grinds his teeth next to me.

"What exactly are you insinuating, Professor?" Hermione asked.

"Yes." Snape lifts his eyebrow, standing behind me with his arms folded. "What are you suggesting indeed? As you know, Black has been hunting The Potters for quite some time now. I surely hope you aren't suggesting... a series of lies on Miss. Potter's behalf?"

Dumbledore reminded silent.

And, Merlin, did it speak volumes.

"My girlfriend wouldn't willingly cause Potter any harm. No matter how much I wish for that myself, she's smart enough to know better." Draco spat out, pointing to Dumbledore. "Just wait until my father hears you're trying to get teenagers into Azkaban now, only for sharing a traumatic experience, with an adult she thought she could trust!"

"That is," McGonagall stepped in. "Quite enough, Mr. Malfoy. I'm sorry to tell you this: but your threats about your father do not outweigh the severity of our certain situation."

"No." Everyone turned to Harry. "No- My sister would never work with such a cruel man. So whatever this story you were coming up with Professor, respectfully I disagree... I know my sister, she wouldn't even think about harming me. Or, any of our friends."

Dumbledore nods, "Very well. But it is still a possibility-"

"Excuse me!"
"Oh, for Merlin's sake!"
My friends all call out in shock.

The tension in the room rose, along with their voices. They all began to call out a number of valid explanations, their voice's morphing into one another, I couldn't make sense out of anyone's yells.

I couldn't even hear myself think.

"Enough!" Dumbledore's hands raise, and they all grow quiet. "Miss. Potter, I shall have to ask you to leave the premises of Hogwarts until the two possible killers have been identified and found by the Ministry."

"What-" I begin. A harsh lump gathered in my throat, and an overwhelming amount of pressure built up rapidly in my chest. My heart felt heavy. It felt difficult to breath: my own lungs suffocating me.

"The Ministry will rule you as a suspect, due to the story of Black entering the castle. The lack of proof you had weeks ago will only add to that case."

"No, no! You can't take me back to the Dursley's!" I cry.

Professor McGonagall took my arm, guiding me towards the door. I struggle against her soft, yet firm grip on my arm.

"None of this would of occurred if you had all just listened to me in the beginning! Is your favoritism towards Gryffindor really that big, that it out weighs the actually protection of the other students, Professor?" My vision became blurry. "Including me?"

Blinking back tears, the last face I seen was Draco's, before the heavy wooden door to Dumbledore's office closed shut.

Behind my hazy sight, I barely noticed the shift in my boyfriend's expression - He swallowed, almost seemingly scared for a split moment.

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