Chapter 18: Ink Marks

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[Heavenly - Cigarettes After Sex]

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Tue. 5th October 1993 - 6:27pm...

"What do you guys think of this essay?" Blaise asked us.

I sat on the pristine carpet of the male dormitory, my back up against Draco's bed. I had my knees up, slouching against the bed with my D.A.D.A text book in my lap.

I shrug, lifting my quill to scribble down some quick notes from the piece of text.

"It's pathetic," Draco groaned. He lay on his bed, tossing a green apple up into the air, catching it successfully every time.

"You think everything is pathetic, mate."

"Could of been worse. He could of given us two essays to complete for tomorrow." Theodore spoke up, lighting a drag.

Him and Daphne shared the two seater couch. Beside it, a bookcase and an expensive armchair.

Daphne snatched the cigarette from him, holding his face away from her. She took a long inhale, the smoke exiting her mouth in a ringlet shape.

Theodore fights her for a drag of it, then eventually sat back defeatedly. He accepted the half end of it once she was satisfied.

"I suppose we should be thankful it's only two double page spreads instead of five," I add. My attention didn't leave my notes.

Behind me, I hear Draco rolling over. He peered over my shoulder, dropping his arms either side of me while I worked.

"Although a Butterbeer would be more satisfying at the moment," I mutter.

"That reminds me - Luna - I have to meet her, for a Butterbeer." Blaise abruptly stood from his bed. He nods at us all, rushing out of the room.

"Ooh! Get it, Zabini!" Daphne called after him, switching her sitting position next to Theodore.

"It is a friendly meet up!" He called from behind the closing door, "Between friends!"

Theodore smirked.

Him and Daphne shared the same mischievous look, scattering up from the sofa and out the door.

Leaving me and Draco alone.

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I scored out some of my notes, rewording sentences and quotes from my text book analysis.

The silence was comforting.

His presence was even more so - His soft breathing next to my ear, the way he leaned back to take a bite of his apple (as to not annoy me with his chewing sounds), and the way he spoke all but not one word.

From the corner of my vision, his robe flew across the room, landing on the second velvet armchair, beside the vanity mirror.

He sunk down onto the floor next to me, nudging my elbow to grab my attention.

I look up, with a soft hum, to him holding the apple in my direction.

"I can't - I've got ink all over my fingers." I say, raising my hands to show him the black stains bleeding into my skin.

He scoffed, nudging the apple against my lips. "Take it."

I bite into the untouched part of his apple, my gaze never leaving his. I pull back, lifting my hand.

He stopped it, using his thumb to wipe away the drop of apple juice running down my chin. He brought his thumb to his lips.

"It's nearly seven, you should take a break. Otherwise, you'll exhaust yourself, Darling."

"I'm okay, I just want to-"

He took the finishing bite of his apple, tossing it over his shoulder. It lands in the desk bin flawlessly.

A distraction nonetheless, to lift my study materials off my lap. He shifts their location to the free space behind him, and out of my reach.

"Draco-" I gasped out. His arms wrap around my waist, dragging me across the carpet to sit on his lap sideways.

He rolled his shirt sleeves up to his elbows.

I hold my hands out in front of his face, the ink still wet. "I can't touch you, my hands are covered in the ink from my quill."

"Oh yeah?" He ran his tongue along his teeth, clicking it quietly. "Such a shame."

He leans forward, placing a kiss to my cheek, working his way down my jaw and neck. His hands resting on my waist.

I giggle at the sudden sensation of him blowing raspberries down my skin. I lightly push his face away, "Stop - You're so weird-"

"You're so pretty," He interrupts me. "Pretty girl."

My hands trail down his cheeks, and my eyes widen. My fingertips leaving a trail of dark ink.

"What?" He ran his hand down his cheek, inspecting it. Now, his fingers were covered too. "I see... So, you've chosen war?"


He smirked, grabbing me again.

"Draco!" I squeal, as he carefully tossed me down onto the floor, clambering over me to smudge ink across my nose bridge.

I react in response, making sure to avoid his fringe, while I smear a thick line across his forehead.

And he immediately responds by holding my chin, kissing me - In an assuming attempt to distract me.

His hand leaving an ink trail against my collarbone, and up to just below my ear.

I leave a final ink mark on his left forearm, the size of my hand.

And he created his last too, a mark across my eyebrow and eyelid. He politely avoided my eyelashes.

"Are you quite done?" I ask him, watching him slowly pull away from me.

"Hm. I suppose so, yeah."

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