Chapter 62: Lured To The Depths

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[The Water Is Fine - Chloe Ament]

Mon. 2nd January 1995 - 8:38pm...

Directly following our return from the Christmas holidays, Dumbledore announced the date of the second task at the returning assembly.

Of course, my brother and the other champions already knew the date, and have been preparing for the event — Or so I thought.

Harry had be struggling to find a spell or potion to allow him to breathe underwater for an hour or more, which is exactly how we all ended up in the library surrounded by tons of books on varied topics (water, water breathing, sirens, mermaids and folklore.)

"Harry, could you tell us the poem again?" Hermione asked, flipping through some pages about water plants.

Sitting on top of the desk, I watch my brother hit his chin off an open book. "Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground—"

"Obviously, the black lake. That's for certain." She says quickly. She hit Ron awake with a rolled up newspaper of the Daily Prophet, who lay sleeping across two books.

"—An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took." He finished.

"You don't suppose it's some type of treasure, do you? Gold perhaps?" Ron scratched his head, muttering under his breath about how his skull hurt now.

"I don't think so. Certain metals rot underwater after a long period of time, and exposure to the salt levels." I respond, shaking my head. I turn the page of the book on my lap.

"Oh right, yeah. I forgot about that." Ron sighed, wiping his face.

Harry sat back in his chair, "Forget about it, guys. I'll magically sort something out."

"And drown tomorrow morning? I don't think so, Harry." I scoff, "Who else have you told about this? Who can help?"

"Sirius, Professor Lupin... and Dobby. Uh, and Neville too?" He shrugged.

Ron leaned forward, "Dobby? Dobby's been here, in the castle?"

"Yeah, last night. I asked him to send a message to Sirius, since it's too dangerous to send Hedwig with all the disappearances and—"

A loud cash around the corner caught our attention.

Neville chased after the books he'd dropped, "Hey guys. Sorry, I wasn't eavesdropping... I mean, I was. I'm just worried for you, Harry, is all."

Harry gave him a weak smile, "It's alright." He stood, and piled the books he was reading. "Let's go, guys. I don't really care about winning this tournament thing anyways."

"Are you having any luck searching for anything?" Neville questions.

"No. I need to breathe underwater for an hour, so unless you have some type of turnip or something similar, then I don't think I have anything that's going to be of much use to me."

I hop off the desk, placing the book down on top of Harry's pile. "It's going to be alright. Besides, you said you don't mind if you're on the losing end anyways."

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