Chapter 3: Haunted Shadows

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[Haunting - Halsey]

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Wed. 1st September 1993 - 12:35pm...

King's Cross station bustled with excitement, large crowds of people rushing to get to their trains on time...

While other groups took a more interesting path to reach their platform - A hidden passage not known to Muggles.

Behind a wall, The Hogwarts Express, was in the process of boarding many numbers of Witches and Wizards.

Including me.

Not long after, the train began its journey towards Hogwarts, our school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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I lay across the seats, within one of the booths near the back of the train.

The vibrations of the wheels below the carts hitting of the tracks created a comforting sensation for me, as it took off from the station.

My hair shifted slowly down my face, and off my shoulders. I wore my Slytherin uniform, with my hair in a half-up and half-down style.

Jinx and Sniffles lay next to me on the seat.

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Some time passed, then I could hear the door to the booth being opened, and a handful of my Slytherin friends entered.

"Well, well... look who we have here."

I smile, humming once I heard his voice.

I tilted my head towards the voice: which belonged to Draco Malfoy.

"No greetings?" He chuckles. I feel his weight sitting down next to me, shifting the mattress on the seat.

"She looks tired." Theodore Nott comments, taking his place opposite us.

Pansy Parkinson, sat beside him. "It's exhausting work being as pretty as us, boys. Isn't that right, Jane?"

"Mhm..." I open one of my eyes, peering around at my friends. "Where's Blaise?"

"Sitting beside some Ravenclaw girl. Loony, apparently her name was. He likes her company, he said." Draco explained, rolling his eyes.

"Now, never mind that. What the hell happened?" Pansy asked.

I sat up, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "Harry blew up Marge."

All three burst out into a loud cry.

I chuckle too.

"Mother was concerned when she received your letter, pacing around our manor the whole night." Draco said, after we had all calmed down from our mad laughter. "I swear, it was as if someone was on their death bed."

"I didn't mean to worry her, it was a moment of panic." I sigh.

I watch Draco shake his head out of the corner of my eye.

"A real life or death situation." Theodore smirked.

"It doesn't matter what it was. All that matters is your filthy uncle didn't lay a finger on you." Draco adds.

"We had to stay in The Leaky Cauldron-"

All three gasp, as if a crime had just been committed.

Draco tuts, "You should of came to The Manor with us. Next summer, you will."

"Next summer, I'm staying at The Burrow."

"With Weasle-bee and Granger?"

"They're my friends, too."

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