Chapter 4: 'Slut'

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["Slut!" - Taylor Swift (Taylor's Ver.)]

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Wed. 1st September 1993 - 7:07pm...

Lights flickered as I made my way down to my common room.

My skin crawled with fresh goosebumps, my footsteps echoing through the corridors as I approached the dungeon.

I felt eyes on me, and I immediately began to scan my eyes around the hallway.

Since the incident on the train, and the announcement Professor Dumbledore made earlier during the Sorting Ceremony assembly, it left my blood running cold.

Although Professor Dumbledore hosts a start of year assembly every year, his delivery this time around left me feeling uneasy.

The information from Mr. Weasley on top of that continued to feed my anxiety.

Dementors and Aurors patrolled the school grounds and halls, and with Sirius Black on the loose, it certainly wasn't the year I seen myself coming back to.

Then again, it could of been worse. I could still be suck at the Dursley's.

I'd take fighting the Dark Arts over staying with their ugly asses any day.

Or, Draco could of not shown up and have been suck in his house the whole year for some reason.

Or, Harry could of been harmed from the situation on the train.

Which, I heard from Dean and Seamus that he had fainted due to a Dementor - Explaining the shadow figures we seen flying around the carts outside.

I stood before a blank stone wall, muttering the Slytherin password under my breath.

Watching a concrete snake emerge from the ground to reveal the entrance.

I enter my common room, immediately greeted by the loud laughter of my fellow Slytherins, the warm fire contrasting with the blue and green reflections from the depths of the Black Lake.

Gentle notes from a piano, and the smell of mint and lemon water filled my senses.


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My eyes scan the rich marble filled room, gravitating towards the sofas.

My heart skips a beat, locking eyes with Draco.

He sat slouched, legs spread on the lower couch. One of his hands by his mouth, his thumb grazing against his bottom lip. He mutters something to Blaise who lazily lay next to him.

His eyes following mine with a deep inhale.

Before I managed to take another step, Crabbe and Goyle blocked my path. Behind them, I seen Draco lower his hand and lean forward.

"Potter!" Goyle began, a devilish smirk on his face. "We would of expected you not to have shown up this year."

"What? Why's that?" I reply, my face scrunched up.

"Because of the rumours circulating about you." Crabbe laughed.

"Rumours? What rumours? What are you talking about?"

"About how you and Neville Longbottom were an item and you dumped his ass before the summer started."

"Excuse me? Where did you hear that information from?"

"You know, here and there." Goyle shoved my shoulder, and I grabbed his wrist.

"Touch me again, and you'll lose your whole arm." I say.

"Crabbe, Goyle, got a problem?" Draco asked, strolling over to the three of us. His hands in his pocket.

"Yeah, better look out for this one, Malfoy. She's a bit of a Slut, I've heard."

"Stop talking nonsense, you two are so gullible." He snarled, taking my wrist and bringing me towards Blaise. "Don't listen to those twats, they can hardly tell the difference between their left and right feet."

"What were they talking about? What rumours have been circulating about me?" I ask him.

I watch Draco swallow, and he shakes his head. He takes a minute to respond back to me, "No idea."

As I take the spot next to Blaise, he nods at me, and I nod back.

Draco continued their conversation.

I tried my best to listen, but I found myself observing small crowds around our common room.

Whispers, and small glares being thrown in my direction.

I was confused to say the least, but I tried to ignore them.

Hopefully, it was just nothing, and I was overreacting.

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