Chapter 2: Breakfast

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[Je te laisserai des mots - Patrick Watson]

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Wed. 1st September 1993 - 7:23am...

"Did you really blow up your aunt?"

The Leaky Cauldron - A fine establishment for any Witch or Wizard, for a drink, a chat... But most importantly, to travel to the passage leading to Diagon Alley.

"Dudley's aunt, Ron. And no... not exactly." Harry replied.

The Weasleys had received my owl, causing Molly, and Ron, to ponder and worry the whole night about us.

"Awk, now that doesn't matter. What matters is that you're both safe and well." Molly grins, opening her arms to take me, then Harry into a tight hug.

I gently pat her back.

"You blew up your aunt?" Ginny mumbles.

"Did you really? How did the Muggles take it?" Arthur chimed in from his place at the table. Unfortunately, he was ignored.

Harry and I jump out of our skin, as the two Weasley twins appeared out of the blue.

"Quite a remarkable spell-"

"A dangerous spell-"

"Do you have a name for it-?"
"Can I try it out too-?"
They questioned, walking around their mother to push for answers.

"Enough!" Molly waved us all towards the table, "Sit down, all of you. Jane and Harry need to be feed well, before you continue to drown them in anymore questions."

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"How did you manage to get a Niffler again, Jane?" Fred asked me, from across the table.

Sniffles clambered over the wooden table, towards Ginny, who gently pet his head.

"Oh! He was a stray in an alley, behind Honey Dukes. I asked around, and so did Draco, but no one came to claim him."

"How cute." Ginny smiles, "He's a beautiful creature. How did your... What did your uncle think of him?"

"None of them know. And they won't know. I highly doubt they'd let us back into their house after this." I explained.

"Nonsense, they'll come around eventually. Plus, you always have a place with us. Isn't that right, Arthur?" Molly nods.

Arthur peered over his Muggle book, nodding his head in agreement.

I rotate my head to read the title of his book, before turning my head to Ron as he spoke.

"You said Malfoy was with you? I'm surprised he didn't try to hurt the poor thing." He laughed, leaning his elbows on the table.

While he gazed around at his family, no one else was laughing or even cracking a smile.

He coughed, his eyes looking down at his breakfast.

"No, he didn't. Draco was actually the one who spotted Sniffles - I'll have you know." I comment, raising both of my eyebrows. "Knowing that his father would certainly not approve, I took him in instead."

"A stray and a surprise adoption!" Ginny said in awe.

I nod at her.

"Ron! Can you get your stinking rat away from my cat?" Hermione's voice came from the top of the stairs - Interrupting our conversation.

"Harry! Jane!" She rushed down the creaky steps, "We were all so worried sick! Are you both feeling alright?"

"Yes, we're fine, Hermione." Harry smiled.

"Good. Because if anything had happened to you both, none of us would of ever forgiven ourselves." She states.

"Thanks for your concern, but we're fine." I tell her, after surviving a terribly tight hug from her.

"That reminds me. Jane, Harry, I need a word." Arthur says, standing and closing his book. He left the table, entering a noiseless area of the Inn.

I hand my cat to Fred, who immediately spoke to her in a baby voice.

I follow after his father.

Harry on the other hand, too enraptured in a conversation with George, to notice our absence.

"Harry!" I exclaim, catching his attention.

"What? Oh - Sorry."

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"So... What you're trying to tell us...-"

"Is that Sirius Black, an escapee from Azkaban, is hunting us both down?" I finish for my brother, as his jaw was open, and he found himself at a loss for words.

"Yes, exactly that."


"I know, this is a lot to take in. Take it with a grain of salt. I'm only merely passing on a message I've overheard." Arthur added quickly - An attempt to calm our nerves. "But... you are both in grave danger."

"Brilliant. What a lovely thing to hear at eight in the morning." Harry laughs in disbelief, pushing up his glasses.

"We appreciate you telling us, Mr. Weasley." I smile.

"No problem. Stick close to us, and I can assure you, nothing will happen."

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