Chapter 26: 'Freckled Bitch'

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[Class Fight - Melanie Martinez]

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Before Hogwarts
Fri. 13th May 1988 - 1:25pm...

"My mother says ugly girls like you should not be allowed in this school."

I look up from my library book.

A girl, Mikyla Richards, from my class towered over me. Her dark blonde hair slicked back behind her signature black headband, her uniform neatly sat upon her body. Not an imperfection in sight.

She resembled a dress-up doll.

"What?" I ask, closing my book over, placing it on the grass next to me.

"I said: ugly girls like you should not be allowed in this school. I overheard your own aunty speaking of your hair and how unkept it is." Mikyla continued, pacing around me.

"There's nothing wrong with my hair?" Standing up, I cross my arms, my eyes following her movements.

"Unkept hair is a sign of Witchcraft. That's what my family says. All that hair, full of secrets." She sneered, "Crazy hair, to match the crazy within."

"I am not a witch," I snap back.

"Red-haired Jane-y, not a witch?" She cackled, her eyes narrowing. "Let's see about that!"

Her hands reach for my curls, using the feelings of agony to drag me across the playground: towards the frog pond within the school grounds.

I scream, her nails tangled with my ringlets.

"If you are normal, as you state, you will drown! If you are a witch, you will save yourself!"

"Stop! Get off me!"

A crowd swarmed around us, our classmates and older students, too. They clapped, and some cheered - Enjoying the show which occurred too often, I'd shamefully admit.

She forced my head down, the murky water inches from my nose. Her fingernails dug into my scalp.

Gravel from the pavement, underneath my knees, scored my skin through my tights.

"Save yourself, wee Jane-y!" She mocked.

My hands grasp at the stone wall - Palms scratched, blood trickling down my wrists to keep my face above the water.

Another set of hands held my shoulders, and I engulfed the muddy water.

Choking and flailing my arms, they were soon held down behind my back. Paralysing me, between their hands, and the flooding of my own lungs.

The taunting of my classmates muffled, behind my clogged senses.

Yelling, and a high pitched yelp broke the density of the black water, and I was flung backwards.

Throwing up against the ground, I wipe my eyes and mouth. Hair dripping, I spluttered between deep inhales and gasps.

The scene revealed to me... interesting.

A tabby cat had clung itself to Mikyla's face, blocking her line of sight. She tossed the animal away, and it hit off a fence, wincing quietly before it scattered off.

"Witch! You freckled bitch, you summoned that thing!"

Groaning in frustration, my body reacted before my brain could even comprehend my own actions. I pounce towards her, snatching her headband from her hair.

Elbowing her in the stomach, she tripped backwards, splashing everyone close to us as she breached the water.

Jumping into the water after her, I grab her wrists, flipping her around and forcing her down into the water; the same way she did to me.

"You bitch!! Don't you ever try to do that to me again!"

"Miss. Potter!!"

I spin to see the Principal, Ms. Quinn, storming towards me, her head held high, nose pointing sternly to the sky.

I let go of Mikyla's arms, dashing out of the frog pond, my face red with rage.

She walked past me, catering to Mikyla's overreactions instead. Tears pricked up in my eyes, trailing down my cheeks instantly.

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"Never-!" Ms. Quinn's hands slammed down on her desk, making us jump. "Never, in my fifteen years of teaching have I ever had such an undisciplined girl such as your Jane!"

"Of course," My aunty Petunia sighed, folding her hands in front of herself.

"This is outrageous! She could of drown my sweet, little Angel!" Mr. Richards argued, cradling his drenched daughter in his arms. "And you think she is still suitable for this girl's private school?"

"Absolutely not. We will get this emended immediately," Ms. Quinn turned to my uncle and aunty, wagging her finger. "Your Jane is here by expelled from Camden!"

"Expelled?" I murmur, petting the ends of my hair repetitively.

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