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"So, I'm guessing we all agree now no one goes down further without the rest?" Hyunjin asked sarcastically, eyeing Chan, who despite knowing his obvious mistake wasn't taking that comment too well. You could hear a sigh, his eyes quickly scanning the both of us before looking away, his eyes lingering on me a little longer than I'd like. "Should we just go down too, like Changbin and Jeongin did?" I asked, trying to change the direction of where this was going. "I feel like the more rooms we open, the more we have to fight. The floor up was one opponent, now two, what if the more down we go, the more opponents we find?"

"With that thought, wouldn't that mean the lowest floor would have the most opponents?" Chan countered. Though he had a point, I hated to think he might be right. If that was true, given how we only needed two more floors, that would mean Changbin and Jeongin had to fight four of these lunatics on their own. We barely managed to take out two with the three of us, if they did encounter them... Hyunjin must have noticed my thoughts spiraling, already putting his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down. "I'm sure they're fine. Maybe they were right after all, and the ending was indeed the exit."

I shook my head, pulling away from his touch. "No, Chan has a point. Something is off. There's no way it's that easy!" I raised my voice. Why hadn't I realized it before? Please, tell me that it wasn't true... "We have to check! It's not like we've found anything in here anyways," I urged them, for some reason earning an eyeroll from Chan. "Hyunjin and I haven't no," he pointed out. "What's that supposed to mean?" Hyunjin immediately snarled back, but I already started moving. "Guys there's no time for this, Changbin and Jeongin could be in trouble!" Whatever was going on with Chan, we'd have to figure that out later.

Whereas Hyunjin immediately followed, Chan hesitated a little longer, and yet still followed us, the three of us skipping the rooms on the second floor, already walking down the stairs to go to the first. Not that we'd gotten very far though, since as soon as we walked down, four more men jumped out from underneath the stairs, Hyunjin barely pulling me back in time. "Ah fuck, we were so close!" A man dressed up as a plague doctor cursed out, keeping clear from going up the stairs. My eyes scanned the hallway, not paying much attention to the actors, but the amount of blood on the floor told me all I needed to know, shaking my head in disbelief.

"You...you killed them," I stammered, even more in disbelief as they all started laughing. "It's a shame they had to be discarded of so soon, they looked pretty pathetic there. Would have been fun to see your reactions." No matter what I wanted to do, no matter how badly I wished I could have run down and hit them over and over, it was no use. If we didn't get out of here quickly ourselves we would be as good as dead. My eyes flickered from the men to the doors all the way at the end. There was just no way that was actually the exit. This was the one hallways that didn't have any other classrooms, just the one door leading to the hall. The rest was decoration, storage and some toilets, but all those doors were still closed, whereas the door to the hall was the only one slightly open. We were missing something... But what?

"Guys, do you think we should just go up there? Get them?" One of the men asked. "It's too boring to just wait until they come down." Wait until they come... I gasped, looking back at Chan and Hyunjin. "I got it!" I shouted out, taking a second to look up. "Fuck it, they're getting away if we don't," the same one said, setting foot on the stairs. Shit, they're actually able to go up? "Guys, no time to explain, just run!" I shouted out as I felt a tear fall down my cheek, quick to wipe it away as I started running. In no time, we had the four men following right behind us. "We have to go all the way to the top!" I yelled, hoping Chan had heard it. Meanwhile just behind us, we heard another door open by one of the men chasing us, one of the only three rooms we hadn't checked yet. As I tried to look back, three more men joined in, immediately instructed to just catch us, and not to listen to the rules.

I felt Hyunjin's hand find it's way to mine, pulling me along with him, as suddenly a stinging pain entered my lower right leg. "Fuck!" I shouted out in pain, but still kept going, feel the pain worsen with every step I took. Looking back as we ran up the next staircase, it must have been the guy dressed up as an archer, as there was now an arrow stuck in my leg. "We'll just get back to where we came from, there was nothing there!" Chan called out, growing more stressed by the second as we were starting to near the top level. "There was a secret entrance from my classroom, if you take off the board you should find a tunnel to the roof! That's the only thing I could think of right now that could possibly be our way out!" Chan groaned, speeding up. "You better be right about this!"

As we had reached the top floor, Chan had already ran into the classroom, watching Hyunjin and I stumble in, a hand nearly grabbing my hair if it hadn't been for the desk I pushed back towards the man. "Duck!" Chan shouted, barely giving us enough time to comply as he had somehow picked the chalkboard off the wall, using the strength he had left to throw them at the others right behind us, making them fall back, just giving us enough time to get in and lock the secret door behind us from the inside, leaving us with nothing but the dark tunnel to the roof.

We were safe for now... right?

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