From Ballerinas to Showgirls (s1 e9)

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Alessia's pov
We're in Vegas!! Im so excited cause I mean it's Vegas and my mom's excited since there's a lot of bars and casinos that she can go to.

The girls and I all pile into the bus that going to talk us from our hotel to the dance studio

I sat next to Kenzie and we talked about Justin Bieber obviously

"Come on girls" Melissa said when we all got to the studio

"Welcome to Las Vegas!!!" Miss Abby says when we all get into the studio

"I want to reflect on star power last week. Some of you did really well, however as a whole not so great. I brought Brandon in. I thought that would do the trick and the dance was a mess. The competition in Las Vegas this week is called Thunderstruck. We have four days to prepare. This particular group has never not placed in the overall high scores. You need to be flawless this week." Miss Abby said before starting pyramid

"Vivianne" Abby reveled with a crossed out circle of her face. "Not here. Her mother made it quite clear she was not traveling to Las Vegas. So you know what this poor little girl is going to suffer." Miss Abby said. She then got to the end of the pyramid and Maddie and my headshots still weren't shown.
(Author: I just hate having to write everything Abby says so I'll skip some parts of what she says)

Miss Abby gave Paige a solo, Nia a solo and Brooke a solo

"Now at the top of the pyramid, Chloe. Now you're probably wondering why because Chloe didn't dance last week. I keep hearing nobody can win because Maddie wins and nobody can beat Alessia, well you know what this is your shot. Maddie and Alessia Im giving you the week off. No new solo" Miss Abby says when she reveals we aren't on the pyramid but to the side

 No new solo" Miss Abby says when she reveals we aren't on the pyramid but to the side

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"Chloe you wanted this shot. Your mother all I hear is it's Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, Ale, Ale, Ale. Well you know what this is your shot. Here we are in Las Vegas and you better win." Miss Abby says

"Maddie and Alessia you guys will be doing the group dance, you guys will not be preforming a solo this week. Now understand this has nothing to do with you, I want to let somebody else have a chance to win. Let's talk about the group number. Where are we again?"

"Las Vegas" We all say

"Does anyone know another name they use for this city?" Miss Abby asks us and Brooke raises her hand

"Sin city" She says

"Sin city, that's right. The concept of this contemporary routine is sin city. Ok put your bags away let's go" Miss Abby says

four days to competition

"Ok let's go from the top" Miss Abby says as we learn our group dance

"Open back flex hard. Better. GO. push and hold. step down" Miss Abby commands us

Miss Abby then assigned us different sins.
Our sins:
Chloe- Envy
Nia- Greed
Paige- Gluttony
Brooke- Sloth
Maddie- Wrath
Alessia- Pride

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