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Alessia's pov
It's been one month since nationals in New Orleans. I've been at the studio pretty much every day getting better.

"Hey Ale, babe I have something very exciting to tell you" Mom tells me

"Ooh what is it?" I ask

"Well I just heard from the director of a show that they would like for you to be in an episode of their show" Mom tells me and I widen my eyes

"Really? Which show mom, which show?" I ask

"Sam and Cat" She tells me and I scream

"Mom, mom I really want to do it, please" I beg and she laughs and agrees


Guess what? We're flying out to Hollywood to film an episode of Sam and Cat! I love that show and it's so weird that I'm gonna be on it. I'm excited too

4 hours later...

We have finally arrived to the filming studio! It's just me and my mom and we go inside. We meet the producers before meeting some of the cast.

"Hi I'm Ariana" Ariana Grande tells me and she hugs me

"I'm Alessia but you can call me Ale" I tell her

"Oh I know. I've watched some of your dances and you are so good" she tells me.

"Thank you so much" I smile at her

I meet the rest of the cast and then I get my lines. They tell me to be here at 9:30 tomorrow morning and to memorize at least most of my lines tonight

THE NEXT DAY (Tuesday)

We arrive back to the filming studio to start. Basically since they have a babysitting business I'm one of the kids they babysit. A dancer too. It's gonna be fun because I get to show off some of my dancing skills!

We began filming and ran until 2:30 when they let us go


We finished filming the episode I was in so now we're saying our goodbyes.

"Hey Ale before you go I have a question" Ariana says walking over to us

"Ooh what is it?" I ask

"Basically I'm starting a music career once this show is over. I'll let you know more about it soon. But I was wondering if you would like to be in the first music video with me?" She asks

"Really?" I look to my mom and she nods. "I would love to! What would I do?"

"Well you would dance and lip sync. Again I would let you know more details later but I would love for you to be in it." She says

"That is very nice Ariana and I will talk to my husband about it but I am sure that we would love to. Right Ale?" Mom says

"Yes, yes, yes" I exclaim

"Alright, well I'll keep in contact with you guys but this is great" she cheers and hugs us goodbye one more time


GUESS WHAT? Mom talked to dad about this and also Melissa and Abby and they all think I should do it! This is amazing. My big break. I wouldn't be starting the music video for a while since Ariana needs to write all the songs but she'll let me know once everything is ready.

I can't wait to be in Ariana Grande's music video!


Hey guys. So this is extremely short but it's important for later chapters. Also the songs won't be in the same order because I already have it planned out. But yea so don't even like bring the correct order up because that's not gonna be right. I can't tell you exactly why because it's a surprise. But yea we have one more special part but it's an actual episode. It's going to be very short too though. Just one main thing about it

That was a lot but yea hope yall enjoyed

Word count - 645 words

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