No Solo for You (s4 e12)

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Alessia's pov
"Congratulations ladies. You are undefeated eight times in a row." Abby says to start off pyramid and we clap. "Thats a big deal. Not to burst your bubble, but it is early in the season. A lot of dance studios don't have their numbers ready yet. And it's going to get tougher and tougher and tougher as we move along."

"We're celebrating accomplishments, and I have an accomplishment. I published my first book." Holly says and we all clap for her. "And I have my book signing tomorrow. Everyone's invited. I told Abby, I gave her a personal invitation. Everyone here is invited."

"Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha. Dance comes first, right? Right, Nia? Yes." Abby interrupts

"You inspired some of those quotes and affirmations. So you're throughout the book" Holly informs her

"I just want credit where credit is due." Abby jokes

"What is the title of your book?" Jill asks

"Oh, Moments of Clarity" Holly tells her. "And I've had many moments of clarity sitting up there." She points to the viewing room

"And you learn everything about that book right here in this studio?" Jill asks

"Not everything, but a lot of things- no, I was inspired, let's say" Holly explains

"There you go" Jill comments

"And I had to have some moments of clarity"

"Well, I can't wait to read it." Jill says

"Thank you" Holly smiles

"Finished?" Abby asks

"Oh yes, I am. Thank you" Holly says

"Anything else to say?" Abby asks again


"I got a copy of the book, like an advanced copy signed. I think one of the quotes in your book is, silence is golden? Yeah. Let's see if she's going to keep her mouth shut now." Abby says with like a smirk before revealing who's at the bottom

"At the bottom of the pyramid, Nia. Not so great in the group routine. Your problems, a little late, head piece. The minute the headpiece started to slip, her content down the tubes"

"And next, we have Kendall. Kendall, you were good. I didn't have a problem with you at all. Until your mother started to go on and on and on about all this special part. And you were supposed to have the apple in your hand and blah, blah, blah."

"Nope, nope, nope. You went on and on and made the kids work for their - that spot. How fair is that Abby?" Jill asks

"Oh, it's not fair at all."

"Next, we have Maddie. Maddie, no way you're ever going to be on the top of the pyramid if you're not here for all the rehearsals. And you know that. You were in LA, you were working. It was a dance job. The team comes first, but I want you to do other things. So it's kind of a double-edged sword."

"That brings me to my next person, Ale. Ale, you weren't here for the first rehearsal. You were also in LA for a very special and important dance job. Now, I know we're not supposed to talk about it yet, but it's an amazing opportunity. But just like your little buddy next to you, dance comes first. However, I also want you doing these jobs, so" She shrugs

"And moving up, we have Chloe. Chloe, you were the overall high score second place. You had a great performance. Nothing was really wrong."

"And next, we have Mackenzie. A triple threat. Singing, dancing, acting. You were the overall high scorer of the junior division, by the skin of your teeth."

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