Live From LA, It's Kendall K (s5 e23)

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Alessia's pov
We're back in LA! And permanently this time! It's Wednesday right now, and these past two days I've pretty much just been on the set of Bunk'd. We finished about 3 episodes which is really good

Anyway, right now we're walking to 3rd Street Dance which is where we have rehearsed and where we're gonna rehearse. I have on a black ALDC tank top over my dance set which I'll take off once we get inside.

"So, guys, go get stretched and stuff, okay?" Melissa tells us

The one bad thing about being in LA is that I'm away from my family. All my family. My mom is still in Pittsburgh since her due dates next week for my baby brother. I'm super excited, but I wish she was here. It's okay though, because Melissa's watching me until my mom can come out

Anyway, we went up to get changed. I took of my shoes and tank top to reveal my black ALDC booty shorts and sports bra

I then get into splits while Maddie does my bun for me.

"What is she doing?" Kenzie whispers to me and I look over to see Abby dumping all her stuff from her purse onto the ground.

"Do you need help, Ab?" Melissa asks

"Yeah, I'm looking for silver earrings that I threw in here" Abby explains and Melissa goes to help her

Once she finds what she's looking for, we all like up for pyramid. Abby keeps scratching her nose though and I'm trying to hold in my laugh

"All right, girls! Pay attention! We are back from Australia! And we are in Los Angeles. Let's hear it!" Abby yells and we cheer

"All right, let's get to the pyramid"

"Can I ask what is the pyramid based on? The Australian trip?" Jill questions

"Yes" Abby nods

"On the bottom of the pyramid, Kalani. Kalani, you missed a rehearsal."

"Sorry, she needed to be caught up on stuff" Kira says

"I would've way rather been at rehearsal" Kalani adds

"Thank you, honey. That's what I needed to hear."

"Next we have, JoJo. What I didn't appreciate was your behavior at the ASTRA Awards. And I keep trying to find some balance for you. And that's what the trouble is."

"Moving on. Mackenzie. Could you work on your feet more? Yes. Could you work on your flexibility more? Yes. Understand?"

"Next we have Kendall. Kendall, I thought you did a great job. I thought you were always up. You were always giving 110%."

"All right. Nia. Congratulations. You have an outstanding performance from what I saw. Nia, you sang live onstage. Yes? You had about a thousand people there to see you. I'm sorry I could not be there. I did have some intentions of coming. I wasn't sure about the time, when it exactly was. Then I booked a teachers cocktail party."

"And then at the top of the pyramid, Maddie and Ale. Maddie and Ale are on top of the pyramid for one reason. Their humbleness and their insistence upon including each and every one of you."


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