Alessia (Ale) Russo and Madison (Maddie) Ziegler... when you hear those names you think of Abby Lee Millers golden girls. They have been the favorite since Abby laid eyes on them.
Started: April 4, 2024
Ended: September 6, 2024
Best Rankings as of 8...
Alessia's pov "What do you want with your hair babes?" My mom asks me in the dancers den
"Can you do like the two braids on the top going into a high bun?" I ask and my mom nods
After my mom mom does my hair, I go stretch next to Brooke and we talk
"Where's Miss Abby?" I ask the moms
"We're not sure" Kelly says
"Maybe we should just go in. We're already late for pyramid." Jill suggests and we go in. When we walk into Studio A Miss Abby isn't in there either. Where is she? This reminds me of when Maddie and I forgot our dances and she was really late for pyramid. I hope nothing bad happened
"Where's Abby?" We all ask. A few minutes later she comes in
"Hey girls" She says. She seems really sad about something. I wonder what though? I mean we just won last week. What could've possibly happened?
"Ok, this is gonna be a rough week for me. Broadway Baby passed away." She says, starting to cry.
What? Baby died? I loved Baby. Seeing her at the studio sometimes was always fun. Or when she came to the competitions with us. Or when Maddie and I would go to her house with our moms and sisters to hang out and play with baby.
"She was lethargic. And I knew something was wrong, but I just thought that she had eaten something that didn't agree with her and she was just kinda down and out. But, um. It ended up being kidney failure. I mean I know she's 16 but, she's your kid. She's like your kid." I started to cry hearing Miss Abby talk about baby. I loved her so much
"It's hard. I mean it's hard." Cristi says
"We're here for you Ab" My mom tells her. I can see in my mom and Melissa's eyes that they're gonna start crying soon too. My family and the Zieglers were all very close with Abby and her mom so Baby was like our dog too
"I'm here. We need to get ready. We are going o St, Louis to Dance Expressions. It's a huge competition." Miss Abby says before starting pyramid
"On the bottom, we have Paige. Paige, the reason you're on the bottom is the duet. We need all of us in this room need to be confident in you. In your performance. Next on the pyramid, is Brooke. Brooke for you to get in the top five, is good. For you not win was bad. Especially since Alessia won and she's 5 years younger the you. And next, Hannah. I thought for you to be doing the same choreography as a fourteen year old was great. Next I have Mackenzie. Same thing, I think you both did great with the choreography. Moving up is Kendall. Kendall, I think you're good at evil. I thought you looked really good in the costume and I thought you went out there and you sold it. And next we have Nia. Nia, you're here because again, your facial expressions, you told a story."
I grabbed Maddie's hand and squeeze because there were two people at the top of the pyramid again. I think it's gonna be us. She smiles at me before we turn our attention back to the pyramid
"And the two people at the top of the pyramid are, once again, Maddie and Ale. Maddie you went out on that stage, you danced for your life, and you won. Ale, you used the emotions that I know you're amazing at, you danced beautifully and you won against girls who are four to seven years older than you. You both stayed on top of this pyramid for another week." I smile because I like being on top
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