Maddie vs. Kalani vs. Ale (s5 e16)

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Alessia's pov
"Okay, girls, go up there. Go get ready" Holly tells us when we get to 3rd street dance studio

We go up the stairs and into the little changing room area. I take off my tank top and leggings which reveals our matching white sets. I also have my hair in a ponytail with curls at the end and a white bow at the top.

While we're in there we have Kendall sing like an acoustic version of her new song. I love her new song a lot and I can't wait to see her music video

"Hi. What's happening?" Abby asks, peaking her head into the room

"Stretching" Kalani tells her

"Well, come on. Let's go" Abby tells us and we follow her into a studio for pyramid

"All righty, this is our second week here in LA. And we won." Abby begins and we clap.

"To me, winning is everything. To come all this way and to start all over again, I need the wins. All right, let's get to the pyramid"

"Nia, you did a solo. Third in your category is not high enough. It comes down to the tour jeté, the leg hold. If you don't fix them now, the older you get, the more difficult it will be."

"And next, we have Mackenzie. You've been getting called out in the group routine. Take your correction, apply it, and fix it. You're not doing that."

"Next, JoJo. JoJo, it was a quiet week for you. I really didn't hear your mouth. That's a good thing."

"Moving up the pyramid, we have Maddie, fourth on the pyramid. Maddie, you're always great in the group routine because of your musicality. But we both know that it all goes back to the technique. It goes back to the reason Sia and the other celebrities noticed you to begin with."

"Next on the pyramid is Kalani. Kalani, you were a standout in the group routine. The judges even commented on it. They said, the beautiful aerial walkover. We didn't know you had that in you. Well, we know you have that in you."

"And next up-" Abby begins before Kira cuts her off

"Abby, really quick. We had been invited to, um,  Fifth Quarter fashion show event. And Kalani has chosen to stay-"

"Here?" Abby questions and Kira nods. "Good choice"

"I'll be going, though. So, I will miss Friday." Kira finishes

"That's fine."

"Next up, Ale. Ale, same with you, a standout in the group. But that's always true. You also filmed some more of your show. All around great job, you definitely are built for LA"

"And at the top of the pyramid, is Kendall. So, Kendall, you were beautiful. You win the overall high score. You were on top. Finally, you were the big winner."

"Kendall, next week, it's a busy week for you

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"Kendall, next week, it's a busy week for you. This will be the fourth music video that I've produced. So, Little Miss Kendall, you must be the utmost professional. There's gonna be lots of work to do. So, I think I'm going to maybe use the other girls as my PAs and maybe your mom's, too."

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