Guess Who's Back? (s2 e21) Part 2

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Alessia's pov
We're in studio a doing the group and I really like it. Nick has a bunch of lifting parts too. He has to like "bite" our necks before putting us down

Then Jill comes in the room with Kendall and shoves Kendall into the dance. Jill and Abby get in a bit of an argument too

Miss Abby decided that there was too many people. I mean there was 9 girls and a boy. She had MacKenzie and Hannah leave since they were too young.

"I'm gonna cut some people" Miss Abby tells us "What do you think Gianna?"

"I think I would make it smaller" Miss Gianna says

"Smaller?" Miss Abby asks and Gianna nods. "I just feel like Nicks part is getting lost cause there's so much chaos going on."

I really hope I don't get cut


We're now in studio c and Miss Abby calls the moms down

"I wanted to talk a little bit about yesterday. The roles for drop dead diva. I don't know if everybody was truly happy that Maddie and Ale got the roles. It could've been any one of the kids that auditioned for it." Miss Abby says

"We all congratulated Maddie and Ale. The girls all congratulated Maddie and Ale. I don't know what else you want us to do?" Kelly asks

"Well Melissa and Aria told me that you said it was rigged." Miss Abby says

"I'm entitled to my own opinion because I'm 43 years old and I'm a free American citizen. So I get to say whatever I want, and believe whatever I want. I stand on my credentials and my knowledge and that is something you can never take away" Holly tells Miss Abby.

I really don't know how any of that had to do with being happy for two 9 year olds for getting a small part in a tv show, but go off I guess?

"Then fix this hair" Miss Abby says pointing to Nia "because it's horrible"

"Why don't you fix your hair, and fix your face, and your body and everything else?" Holly asks

"That's fine. When I join your dance company I'll do it" Miss Abby says

"Ok stop critiquing people for things wrong with you. Look in the mirror" Holly says. "And you know what I got approval for those braids when I got them put in"

"Not from my dance company you didn't" Miss Abby says. "Says right there. Don't change your hair, color"

"You know what, I did get approval for it. And this is part of her ethnicity." Holly says

"Well it's weighing her down. It's weighing her down" Miss Abby yells

They keep going back and forth and I feel bad for Nia.


We're in studio a working on the group.

"5,6,7,8" Miss Abby counts

Then we work on the different solos


"Contestant number blank, entered in the titled division" Miss Abby says and I start my solo

| This week I have a lyrical solo called arms of an angel. Miss Abby told me that I'm supposed to portray an angel and have graceful arms and legs. It's a lot of fun too | Alessia Russo/Arias daughter

"So right there you come out of the turn sequence and you want to do a few spins in a circle like this" Miss Abby shows me. "Good"

Maddie was watching my solo since she had finished her solo rehearsal right before I started

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