Nia's Last Chance (s5 e12)

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Alessia's pov
Today when we got into the dancers den, the moms started talking about how they think pyramid will go well today since we won last week

While they talked I took off my sweatpants to reveal my booty shorts, but I kept my pink sweater on

"Come on, girls! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Abby yells so I took off my sweater, which revealed my teal top and black booty shorts. My hair was also in a bun already with a white bow. I grabbed my paper that Abby told us to bring and ran into studio A

Basically, Abby wanted us to write down good and bad things about JoJo. I felt bad doing it, but I have to do what Abby says

"Congratulations!" Abby cheers and we all clap

"So I hope that our little rival, whatever, finally got the message that she's just not in the same league." Abby begins

"No, she is not in the same league" Jill shakes her head, agreeing with Abby. "Let's face it, our kids do lyrical. That's what they do best and we said we're gonna switch it up, and we didn't because we went out to win."

Then Holly started talking about doing different styles of dance too which turned into a small argument. First one of the week.

"I asked each of you to do a homework assignment. I wanted you to write about JoJo. Positive reasons why she should be a member of the Abby Lee Dance Company. Then I asked you to on the flip side, write down reasons she should not be part of the Abby Lee Dance Company."

"Mackenzie, would you like to share with us?" Abby asks and Kenzie goes to stand next to Abby

"The first reason is sometimes she's very loud. Sometimes she's off in the group dances and sometimes she's a little too crazy." Kenzie begins reading

"All right, what are the good things?" Abby asks

"She's kind and she puts a lot of hard work into our dances." She finishes reading. Then it's Maddie's turn

"You have some timing issues. Sometimes you're a little too loud, but she's very dedicated and hardworking." Maddie reads

"Okay, Ale, come on up here" Abby says and I walk to the front. Abby puts her hands on my shoulders as she reads what I wrote

"Sometimes she can be very loud and too energetic. And sometimes she's off in the group. But you're also really kind and funny and you always work hard which makes us want to work hard too" I read from my list and smile to JoJo before going back in line and Nias called up

"You take opportunities from people who have been here longer. Okay, and then the good things. You're nice and a team player." Nia reads and then Kalani's up

"You lip-synch when you're onstage." Kalani begins and then also says the good things. Then it's Kendall's turn. She reads the bad things first and then she moves onto the good things "you respect us"

"Good word: respect" Abby smiles

Once Kendall finishes, I look over to JoJo and see that she's trying not to cry, but she is a little bit

"So, JoJo, you've wanted a permanent spot on this team since you got to Pittsburgh, but you're lucky to even be a guest here at the ALDC. However, there's a lot that makes you an ALDC dancer. You're a performer, and you're sassy. So, I'm gonna give you this jacket." Abby smiles and we all clap as JoJo walks up to get it

"This is sacred. And this is for the rest of this season. This is not for all eternity. Okay?" Abby tells JoJo and we clap again. "All right, so, on with the show"

"I think everybody was an equal team player in that group, so that's why everybody is on the same line for the pyramid" Abby says as she rips everyone's headshots off except for the top one

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